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I wrestle professionally btw. Anyone wanna take me?
to be honest I find it odd that £90 for a british made 4130 chromo frame and forks is frowned at.they are a touch short and tghe platforms get int he way but the quality of these frames is excellent. I imagine those slagging them off havenever had one in their hands to hve a good look at.I know i had 85 of these and punted em out a great price but most people agree the forks are worth what a frame & forks set usually retails for.so, £90 is stupid and deserves a WTF smiley but £200 plus for a set of flexy brakes that don't work well is okay?I bet if one or two influental peeps on here started saying the reflex was the best thing since sliced bread and it ruled and that we should all have them and it was a bummer they were now in short supply there'd be loads of sheep suddenly saying saying "yeah i'll have a £90 reflex frame and forks please"how people on here actually ever saw PK rippers back in the day? or Quadangles? save maybe for a few racers.yet they are some how revered as these awesome must have bikes.how many people really, and have photos to prove it, had MX1000's on their bikes? i bet most of you, like me, only replaced bits on your bike that wore out or broke.but somewhere along the line someone said MX1000s were the best thing in world back in the day we all must have them and suddenly a couple of hundred quid for some brakes is ok.it's a weird old school world we live in.....I'm so glad mid school is the new old school.
oh yeah it is profiteering, but you'll never stop that. as soon as shiners run out of something Biagio doubles his price on his stock, supply and demand.
but my point is actually the reflex is worth £90, just we have been spoilt by the market being flooded with £30 ones. lol.
how's things down under Marty?
Before this looked to start getting a little serious about reflex quality and what have you, it seemed peeps were just pointing out bmxladds is cheeky. He is cheeky.