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Author Topic: I know prices are still rising but 90 quid for an Aero Reflex F&F WTF !?!?!?!?  (Read 3498 times)

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Offline bobafett

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Jesus - these reflex fellas were going for 25 quid just a couple of months ago now this fella's trying to knock 'em out for 90  :uglystupid2:
Surely he's takin the piss and no-one is gonna pay that for them  ???
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Offline MartyC

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BMXLAD80s - they've always been expensive and have a fair bit of mis-described tat for sale  ::).

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Offline Bigplinky

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Another W A N K E R out to spoil peoples fun with high prices  :2gunsfiring_v1:

oh I woke up in a bad mood this morning  ;D
Why oh why do I still buy kids bikes!

Offline pickle

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you can put it up for sale for £300 but it don't mean you'll sell it...........they are getting more thin on the ground and i think £40 is a fair price  :daumenhoch:


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I think prices have dropped!!

mark 2

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Wasn't that the guy who had a Torker up for sale on there saying he was a professional BMX restorer? A very odd thing to claim as a way of gaining trust and credibility to a sale :idiot2:

I wrestle professionally btw. Anyone wanna take me?

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I wrestle professionally btw. Anyone wanna take me?

I would but I know you cheat  :LolLolLolLol:

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to be honest I find it odd that £90 for a british made 4130 chromo frame and forks is frowned at.
they are a touch short and tghe platforms get int he way but the quality of these frames is excellent. I imagine those slagging them off have
never had one in their hands to hve a good look at.

I know i had 85 of these and punted em out a  great price but most people agree the forks are worth what a frame & forks set usually retails for.

so, £90 is stupid and deserves a WTF smiley but £200 plus for a set of flexy brakes that don't work well is okay?
I bet if one or two influental peeps on here started saying the reflex was the best thing since sliced bread and it ruled and that we should all have them and it was a bummer they were now in short supply there'd be loads of sheep suddenly saying saying "yeah i'll have a £90 reflex frame and forks please"

how people on here actually ever saw PK rippers back in the day? or Quadangles? save maybe for a few racers.
yet they are some how revered as these awesome must have bikes.

how many people really, and have photos to prove it, had MX1000's on their bikes? i bet most of you, like me, only replaced bits on your bike that wore out or broke.
but somewhere along the line someone said MX1000s were the best thing in world back in the day we all must have them and suddenly a couple of hundred quid for some brakes is ok.

it's  a weird old school world we live in.....I'm so glad mid school is the new old school.  :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:

Offline MartyC

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to be honest I find it odd that £90 for a british made 4130 chromo frame and forks is frowned at.
they are a touch short and tghe platforms get int he way but the quality of these frames is excellent. I imagine those slagging them off have
never had one in their hands to hve a good look at.

I know i had 85 of these and punted em out a  great price but most people agree the forks are worth what a frame & forks set usually retails for.

so, £90 is stupid and deserves a WTF smiley but £200 plus for a set of flexy brakes that don't work well is okay?
I bet if one or two influental peeps on here started saying the reflex was the best thing since sliced bread and it ruled and that we should all have them and it was a bummer they were now in short supply there'd be loads of sheep suddenly saying saying "yeah i'll have a £90 reflex frame and forks please"

how people on here actually ever saw PK rippers back in the day? or Quadangles? save maybe for a few racers.
yet they are some how revered as these awesome must have bikes.

how many people really, and have photos to prove it, had MX1000's on their bikes? i bet most of you, like me, only replaced bits on your bike that wore out or broke.
but somewhere along the line someone said MX1000s were the best thing in world back in the day we all must have them and suddenly a couple of hundred quid for some brakes is ok.

it's  a weird old school world we live in.....I'm so glad mid school is the new old school.  :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:

I think you missed the point Joe, althrough these are getting short in supply the cost a couple of weeks back was still £30 to £50 for a set, now they're £90.  It's this sort of profiteering that makes the hobby hard to keep up with.  It's not a reflection of the quality of the kit at all in fact how many NOS chrome framesets come out of the box looking as good as these do?

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oh yeah it is profiteering, but you'll never stop that. as soon as shiners run out of something Biagio doubles his price on his stock, supply and demand.

but my point is actually the reflex is worth £90, just we have been spoilt by the market being flooded with £30 ones. lol.

how's things down under Marty?

Offline MartyC

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oh yeah it is profiteering, but you'll never stop that. as soon as shiners run out of something Biagio doubles his price on his stock, supply and demand.

Agreed  :D

but my point is actually the reflex is worth £90, just we have been spoilt by the market being flooded with £30 ones. lol.

Always throught they were worth more than £30 but they have never sold above £50!!  I wouldn't mind one actually as would make a great little custom build out of my spare parts  :D, let me know if you have any left  ;).

how's things down under Marty?

Things are great, picked up a bbq and patio heater today, watched a bit of the Red Bull Air Race and have generally chilled in 36 degrees of blue sky and loveliness.  Looking forward to the Brazilian F1 race tonight to see if Fiarrari manage ti scupper McLaren  :knuppel2:.

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I think that ANY old skool NOS frame is worth £100. All day long!

BUT...... the market was flooded with them so you guys sold them cheap.  :P

Its exactly the same as Biaggio. As soon as stuff dries up he wacks his prices up.

It is all swings and roundabouts.  Although  Biagio is having to let his stuff go now by the look of it and he will realise that the market is dead so he will have no alternative but to lower his prices too.

I reckon that we were paying stupid money for stuff recently. And we paid it as we all had his idea that the ass wouldnt fall out of it. £250 for black DC mx1000's sums it up. And there were loads of us that paid it.

I cant sell my show pony Red Suntour Powerstem for £45 and i saw them selling 6 months ago for £80. That makes a NOS frame and forks for £90 seem cheap. :-\

Offline bobafett

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YIKES !!!!  :D

Wasn't questioning the quality of a reflex guys or it's worth - just very surprised that the cost of something (anything in fact not just bmx) can triple in price in just a couple of months  :idiot2:

credit crunch ? what credit crunch  :LolLolLolLol:
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£100  :shocked: you could buy a bmx f&f for that money


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rad bmx christmas build off?  :-*

Offline Glynnyboy

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Before this looked to start getting a little serious about reflex quality and what have you, it seemed peeps were just pointing out bmxladds is cheeky. He is cheeky.

Offline bobafett

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Before this looked to start getting a little serious about reflex quality and what have you, it seemed peeps were just pointing out bmxladds is cheeky. He is cheeky.

There ya go  :daumenhoch:
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flat spot

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Does anyone know of the whereabouts of these frames at the "cheap" price still?  Or should I wait till after the chrismas build off where a few might be up for grabs. Really I'd want one to build up myself though.


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I got a NOS one i'd let go for £55 as I will never build it now.

£55 delivered, totally NOS and boxed.


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Well I paid 55 for one from stodgy, which i thought was fine, it was about 6 weeks ago when the price started rising because of the xmas bash. On Stodgies part it was blatant profiteering, which I applaud, I knew the oprice would rise as soon as I saw the first XMAS bash notice and I should have moved quick while they were still cheap, my loss. Now I have the f and f I realised what a bargain 55 was, I'm smitten and I wouldnt sell mine for less than 150.

Every single one of us here has profited from something its how all transactions work, if you dont like it you should hand the keys to your house and car back, give up your job and live in sackcloth in the woods.

If enough people did that we would soon see a system of barter develop, along with a rapid grasp of the laws of supply and demand and every one would happily go back to profiteering.      :angrysoapbox:

Offline bobafett

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Ah yes but surely in the retro bmx world the cost and worth and demand of an item is directly linked to it's desire and fame from back in the day not it's actual quality of build and true material value ?? Is a black Kashimax Aero really worth 145 quid when we are talking about it's physical material worth ?? That kind of price is of course driven up partially by supply and demand but primerily because of status-quo and desireability. An aero reflex may indeed sell for 90 quid at some point - it's not that much money for a retro NOS F&F after all - but when it starts getting close to the price of a survivor frame of a well known and more desireable manufacturer from BITD which will we buy then - I know what my decision will be.  :angrysoapbox:

 :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
« Last Edit: November 07, 2008, 06:27 PM by bobafett »
mongoositis - an expensive disease......


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BMX is like anything else "supply-demand".
Nobody forces anyone to pay the prices so no point in bitching if you don't agree with the price keep your wallet closed.
Personally I think biagio is sound he sold me a seat recently NOS 110 posted...i was offered one on here way above that so there are deals to be had and I have found him good to deal with several times (shock horror), credit where credit is due...he was catching the boat when we all missed it..he saw the future and made some money out of old skool kids bike who would have seen that coming..clever bloke if you ask me.


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I've dealt with Vert-Ego loads of times and I cannot fault them :daumenhoch: 

It's the other guy who blatantly misdescribes stuff to maximise profits that winds me up.  Some people are into this hobby because they have a genuine love for OSBMX.  Others are just in it for the money, preying on genuine people trying to rebuild the bike they had BITD.
That's what 'grinds my gears'  :tickedoff:

£90 for an Aero Reflex :wtf:


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I agree...Bitchin don't bring down prices though If I go to Harrods and say oi fayed that viv westwood jumper is overpriced he tell me to go fukeefukee myself.

If the rain stops next year no crops bread goes up...if shiners find 2000 usa trickstars still boxed trickstars go down.....I think we have an economic pattern

emerging more.... the reason why diamonds are expensive is because supply is heavily influenced...if your miners at the diamond mine dig up a golf ball

size will be released onto the market slowly and with precision and probably in tiny bits...economics.

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