Picked up Torker 2 540 air off the bay a couple of months ago, was nearly all original and got it for a good price, however was in a pretty dire state with a nice coat of black spray over the pink/black and unfortunately the original bars were bent, which the seller forgot to mention

Anyway decided to go for a custom look so SBD did the Candy Blue and Del made up some custom sliver fade decals, even managed to make up the 540 air from just some photos on BMX Museum and heres how its turned out.

The colour is amazing, the pics dont do it justice and the decals are spot on
You 2 guys are the backbone of restoration in the UK

Just gotta clean up the rest of the parts and got some new stuff to go on, just got a dilemma as I had in mind to build up with white/blue parts but having seen the paint job I'm leaning towards black/chrome what do you think ?