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this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« on: October 23, 2008, 08:29 PM »
needed to get some cash tonight to pay the cleaner tomorrow (i know, cleaner, i'm lazy, suck it up, you're jealous, she does the ironing too. lol.)

so wandered out to me van it's dark it's drizzling, it's a no brainer, i always drive to Spasda anyway.

but I'm's in the van, let's go.

so, in the dark, no lights, bombing down the street, on the pavement when cars com, skidding because i live up a hill and one back brake don't really stop you, but man it was just like being a kid again, i even starting thinking every car would be the cops. lol. brilliant, took me back to bombing around our estate at night as a kid, however tonight I didn't have me black widow in me back pocket to take out a few street lamps. lol.

one question for you though folks, would you chain your bike up outside a supermarket? and how good a chain would it need to be? it was okay as I only needed to go the cash point, but just wondering if bike locks are secure enough.


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Re: this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2008, 08:32 PM »
They are good enough for a crowded supermarket, stops the odd scroat just walking away with it  :daumenhoch:

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Re: this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2008, 08:32 PM »
Cool yeah I love riding at night  :daumenhoch:

& yeah lock it up whatever it is, there is a lot of no good thieving cnuts about  >:(


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Re: this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2008, 09:27 PM »
got to admit, i love going on my Haro and racing through our shopping centre with all my mates, causing havoc, security gaurds shouting and running after you then once out of the shopping centre straight down the main road, through the red lights, jumping the speed bumps and curbs, a big First ltd bus up your tail flashing its lights at you... i feel like the bmx bandits  :LolLolLolLol:

Offline lazychubs

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Re: this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2008, 09:41 PM »
lol yeah its great but dont do it drunk as i bunny hopped onto a bonnet of a car by mistake showing of to the chav's lol
and i took my bike in the shop .told the till person to watch it lol


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Re: this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2008, 09:46 PM »
Theres a sainsburys near the skatepark me n my lad go to on sundays, my lad and some of the other young un's sometimes ride down there to get food and drink,  they stick their bikes in trolleys and take em round the supermarket with em!...  :LolLolLolLol:

No ones ever said owt to em...  :shocked:


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Re: this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2008, 09:49 PM »

out in the cold rain on a bike ?...bugger that


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Re: this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2008, 10:21 PM »
i rode from hertford to my lbs in welwyn garden city this evening.forgot my worries and just rode.
i have always felt like a kid,always will

good on ya bro


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Re: this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2008, 10:58 PM »
Know exactly where your coming from, in the mid 90's me and a few mates used to go out to a club on wed nights after riding we used to chain our bikes to railings outside right beside the bouncers, one time when riding through city centre on way home cops pulled up along side me, I thought do i stop or take off i decided on the latter and flew into a shopping centre i could hear the cops wheel spinning obviously wanting to cut me off at the other exit, what a rush i had it in my head that there wasn't a chance in hell they were gonna catch me such a buzz will never forget it.

If your thinking why did i take off i got done as a kid for no lights on my bmx  :idiot2: took me home in the van and lectured me an my parents :wtf:


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Re: this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2008, 11:46 PM »
needed to get some cash tonight to pay the cleaner tomorrow (i know, cleaner, i'm lazy, suck it up, you're jealous, she does the ironing too. lol.)

so wandered out to me van it's dark it's drizzling, it's a no brainer, i always drive to Spasda anyway.

but I'm's in the van, let's go.

so, in the dark, no lights, bombing down the street, on the pavement when cars com, skidding because i live up a hill and one back brake don't really stop you, but man it was just like being a kid again, i even starting thinking every car would be the cops. lol. brilliant, took me back to bombing around our estate at night as a kid, however tonight I didn't have me black widow in me back pocket to take out a few street lamps. lol.

one question for you though folks, would you chain your bike up outside a supermarket? and how good a chain would it need to be? it was okay as I only needed to go the cash point, but just wondering if bike locks are secure enough.

So that's why you weren't at higs last night then!  ;D

You missed bike tig with 3 young aldermoore lads  :P Was fun  :)


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Re: this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2008, 05:42 AM »
didn't know you were there dude, i probably wouldn't have come, was a bit shagged from tuesday night at Corby and thinking a concrete skate park a couple of days before i go on holiday might not have been such a good idea. lol.


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Re: this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2008, 07:15 AM »

  Mint story Joe,
                         advice never lock your bike unless you have no other choice! I've seen the remains of bike's with bits hacked off because they were secured with 'proper locks'..
 if ever I, my girly or my three little girls go to the shops we always take our bikes in with us, if the store doesn't like it they lose our custom simple...

ps.. nowt  like a bit of a chase with the local plod is there >:D


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Re: this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2008, 08:12 AM »
they stick their bikes in trolleys and take em round the supermarket with em!...  :LolLolLolLol:

now that's a mint idea....gotta try that one.

I'm toying with doing the supermarket shop in several trips per week with a rucky and a bmx rather than drive, so this would have two advantages, I wouldn't get my bike nicked and I wouldn't be able to put too much in the trolley.

  Mint story Joe,
                         advice never lock your bike unless you have no other choice! I've seen the remains of bike's with bits hacked off because they were secured with 'proper locks'..
 if ever I, my girly or my three little girls go to the shops we always take our bikes in with us, if the store doesn't like it they lose our custom simple...

ps.. nowt  like a bit of a chase with the local plod is there >:D

yeah Ray sadly I never actually got chased by the rozzers...actually they'd have caught me easy, the road up to my house is up a hill, and my new school ride just isn't set very good (or is it my bod?) for going up hills.


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Re: this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2008, 02:50 PM »
Great thread :daumenhoch: RAD needs more 'Have you been chased by the filth on yer BMX?' threads :LolLolLolLol:

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Re: this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2008, 11:53 AM »
ask james (heywood bmx) how secure (or how not secure) shopping markets are with your bmx....
R.I.P  O.M. Far short of the finish line...


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Re: this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2008, 11:59 AM »
I just popped up to the shops and did for about 5 minutes seriously consider using the Rebel 24".  Then I saw sense and used the scooter instead.

Theres a massive hill between me and 'the shops' and sweating your nads off, legs shaking and struggling to breath is not a good look while buying a morning paper.


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Re: this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2008, 03:08 PM »
I`ve nipped into Leigh a few times on my Sport and more recently my Master ,always chained it somewhere very visible ..,primarily so everyone can look at my cool bikes , and secondly so no scum can have a pop at it without attracting any attention ...i love blamming about on them round the town still ..had a few good comments from peeps too :coolsmiley: Always lock it up though !!
With Bacofoil and a Battering Ram !


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Re: this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2008, 07:08 PM »
Then I saw sense and used the scooter instead.



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Re: this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« Reply #18 on: October 26, 2008, 07:25 PM »
yeap, i usually try and take one of mine whenever i get a chinese takeway :4_17_5:

gonna drive to where i grew up with my mate one weekend, and go to all the old places on me leary turbo and redline, ending up at the pub (drinking outside so the bikes arnt left alone)

nice idea on the bike in shopping trolley, i reckon if the manager were to complain, just kindly explain either that or fook em.

just waiting for a nice sunny day  ;)

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Re: this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2008, 04:58 PM »
i went for a ride to me mates last night on the azusa
had no lights so stuck me hi viz jacket on lol
was quite a buzz as had a few beers b4 i went


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Re: this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2008, 05:02 PM »
i rode saffy on saturday.felt like a kidtil my back feel like an old man.cant stand upright   :(


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Re: this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« Reply #21 on: October 28, 2008, 02:53 PM »
Yoga mate :daumenhoch:

a pre & post stretch or two when riding does help my olde back out. Get well soon dude :)


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Re: this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« Reply #22 on: October 28, 2008, 03:16 PM »
BITD me and a buddy were 'honked' by some old crusty git in a bronze Datsun for BMXing about the street, we gave him the Vs and pedald off thinking we'll loose this old twat this way and that~ I dunno if he was a closet BMXer but he knew exactly where we were gonna be; cut through the church, the estate near Pedal Power BMX, through schools, man, we shit ourselves but after eventually shaking him (by hiding in a bush, ahem) we couldn't stop laughing about it.   :D ;D

It was then to the 'offy' for pop an' mars bars.

Great days...

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Re: this was really like being a kid on a bmx again
« Reply #23 on: October 28, 2008, 06:44 PM »
Still ride up the shops normally at least once a week, chinese or beer run, or just a loaf and milk. Always take the bike in Tesco's or the chinese, never said anything, the guard in Tesco's even holds the door open sometimes.
As a kid used to go to Ilford and knock the odd turban off for a laugh, Nearly got caught one day as the bloke was bald under his turban, couldn't pedal for laughing. :LolLolLolLol:

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