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Boulder Hill resurrection, is progressing.For those who don't know boulder hill is behind the old second berm and in recent years it has been overrun by the gorse Once the bushes are gone I see a step up behind the Big Hip. The slope down from the bolder is steep and good for 20+ mph so lots of jump possibilities
Paul Gray's quarry pictures, early eighties.
Quote from: paulgray on October 17, 2008, 01:10 PMPaul Gray's quarry pictures, early eighties.Is this the idea... back to how it used to be ( Boulder hill ( in the background ) i mean). I suppose this pic needs the full treatment on how it used to be inc side-jump.(pic didnt work ... but it was the 9th one down on pauls quarry pics...page 2
Ok, once again I'd like to say I,m very very very very very very very very very sorry and I promise not to make the same mistake again. Tell you what, if Nicks got his Redline up there at the weekend ask for a lend and we'll redo the photo's with my digi camera yea?
Great pics guys , keep em coming
Lovin' that Redline
Great pics mate, very similar setup to my old MXII, but I went for CW bars and Shotgun II seat.
powerlite "powerbends" Tommy, me old fruit bat!!!!!! Ad GREAT GREAT PICS by the way.Ad