OK KIDS the reunion is ONNNNNNN!
The venue is booked, the deposit is paid and the date is set, Tammy Rugby Club, Sat 25th Oct, 7.30pm to 12.30am.
Retro Tunes!
Retro Bikes!
Retro Visuals!
Bring A Mullet!
Email any cool photos u got for use as visuals on the night, and we'll put 'em in the slideshows.
Got any old skool threads? Wear 'em!
Also if you have a geunine old skool bike then bring it along for the BMX Museum!
PLUS! It's not only an evening do. At 2pm on Saturday afternoon there's a meet at the bandstand for a 'BMX Bandits-style burn-up' for anyone who fancies it! If u not got a BMX just borrow one, new skool, old skool, any skool, just come along and let's rip up Tammy town n show the kids how it's done, then home for a shower and up the Rugby Club for the piss up!
Entry on the night is £5 to cover costs and any profit will go to the Parkinsons Disease Society, which Lockie is trying to run the New York Marathon in aid of in November. (If u wanna donate to that, here's the link -
http://www.justgiving.com/markandchrisnewyork .)
Right, we've done a fair bit of the work and now it's time for you to help us FIND people!
We need as many as poss to make this a goer and not just six people in a function room. So PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE HELP US find as many people as poss. Here's a few we can't find yet - Swanny, Scotty, Dave Baker, Stephen Benton, Phil grifford, but there are loads out there. Send us some names, find us some people, we gotta track down as many as poss!
RSVP to tamworthcrusaders@hotmail.com and we'll send you a flyer!
Also if needed, Chris Miller mobile: 07983 732763
OK, here's one cool flyer!
See u on the 25th - practice them bunnyhops!