well I made the declaration that if I didn't get 50/50 (yes this IS what they are called) stalls and/or grinds then I was packing it in
to start playing golf.
well...I didn't get em...but I'm too young for golf.

to be honest I didn't think I learnt anything ont he night but actually I did.
Smith in, okay, I didn't roll up and drop to my peg, i set it up and went in, which was something.
Tried to Smith in properly and nearly got it once but not committed enough and as a result I had to eat ramp.
Carved the vert past the line of the last complete ply board, never been there before....and did a little hop that resulted in quite a lot of
falling before tyres found wood again...scary and nice
Rolling in ramps both ways now not an issue, I can go from either side equally comfortable and proved it to myself Sunday by doing both
way on the concrete at Alan Higgs.
Also managed to pass on my limited knowledge to some other riders and get them progressing.
so all in all a great night was had by me, even if I didn't realise it at the time.
So, progression is there and it's all good.
It rained like mad last night, but the sun is out here now...I reckon the ply at Chacombe might be dry by lunchtime.

next novice night my goals are in/out of ramp consitently without putting feet down.
nothing clever, just getting the basics down.