Quick question though spen - that middle goose of your brothers (looks like a nickel finish - the one with the old red tuffs) what decals are on that mate ? I 've seen these on the odd ebay frame but i've never seen them in a catalogue or advert 
Any info on those ?
Definitely the BMX products era

All I can tell you is that it came with them on when it was imported. I've seen a few, and it's kind of in the vein of the Blue Max really - odd one as it's not a "T"-stamped or a Motomag, so possibly a special edition one but it's the lovely yellow-glow nickel finish.. It had the remains of the fork stickers on it, but he took them off as they were propper fecked. Here's the serial number and it's an old one from 1978, although as we all know the serial numbers back then were just the age of the bottom bracket tube stamp and could be taken with a pich of salt plus or minus 3 to 6 months by the time the frames were made up!
Actually, I suppose the crimped-ended Tange forks give it away as been about this age as well. Altogether it's a tidy f&f but would benefit some tlc and elbow grease when it comes to polishing it up I suppose. Trouble with my brother is he's just like me - we love these bikes, but it's all about riding them not
just looking at them

I miss my flock now they've been scattered to the wind amongst you lot. This was my favourite one, but sadly it was split up during a big sale. At least I still see Matt (Bensherman) riding the 1979 frame and forks now and then with black Tuffs and running gear
