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Offline Humps00

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Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« on: September 28, 2008, 04:54 PM »

I'm guessing the weather wasn't bad.


Not being there as I was running Matt down to Exeter Uni. (left at 6:30 and drove through quite a bit of fog on M3 and A303) and seeing him settle in to his room. 



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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2008, 07:28 PM »
That's a very good excuse to miss a race Al, how did it all go?

Room pokey and dingey??
Laundry facilities look like something out of the industrial revolution??

Were there some man tears ;)


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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2008, 08:39 PM »
Rocked- The whole day

Sucked-Getting sun burnt

Offline Humps00

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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2008, 08:46 PM »
That's a very good excuse to miss a race Al, how did it all go?

Room pokey and dingey??
Laundry facilities look like something out of the industrial revolution??

Were there some man tears ;)
Great excuse Lee imho.
Room actually very nice with en suite.  Light and bright and built quite recently. 
Didn't check out the laundry but shouldn't be too bad - Matt will hopefully update us later if he ever finds where it is ...... and uses it!!  How many times can you wear a pair of underpants??
Man tears??  Hmmmmmm.   :( Like losing another member of the family only this one returns in mid-December and we're hoping to get down to see him for the South West champs @ Cheddar.

Anyway, my James brought home a nice #1s plate and trophy for winning the Cruiser 13-15 so he's well happy.  Humps

PS:  Well done to Mrs Ratty for winning the Ladies 25+ and hope the knee recovers OK
PPS:  Thanks to Billy Stupple for taking James down the Bay so he didn't have to endure 8 hours of my driving.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2008, 08:49 PM by Humps00 »


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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2008, 09:30 PM »

The track, MINT 
Weather, sun at last 
James Humps, i love that kid x
Organisation was fan bloody tastic
Sherene for looking after Lilly-anne, love ya hun and couldn't do it without you
Marc at Groove for fixing my wobbly bike LOL
25 + swoops, moves and drag races to the finish (thanx Claire) 


Not having Matt and Alan Humps there to see Herne Bay ROCK AGAIN
Groove's continued issues with certain peeps, really gets my goat up when good guys like Marc get fooked over 
Crashing after the finish PMSL me knee is LARGE
Old School rider on a nu school bike, sorry mate, you had the opportunity to ride a legal bike, probs still would have taken the win as well, shame on you, get legal and come whoop arse n prove it dude
Ratty not riding, come on babes, for me 

Oh, coming home Southern Champ was kinda cool 

Thanx to all the Southern Region, East Kent BMX and Lin and the finish line peeps for yet another wicked race in the South Webdawg


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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2008, 09:42 PM »
Brilliant meeting.  Lots of positives.

Well done to Jon Moore adding another title to National No.1, South Series No.1 and Brits 02.

Well done Mrs Ratty (need to work on the finish line celebration though  ;) )

Pity you couldn't be there Alan, but I'm sure Herne Bay will hold many more great meetings in the future.


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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2008, 09:49 PM »
Rocked - everything, never thought i'd enjoy being purely a spectator, but level and speed of riding blew me away.

Sucked - Not riding myself (not literally) and realising that i might well stick with old school for next year, not sure i'm ready for that level of riding in 30-39 cruisers, wayyyyy toooo fastttt.....

Offline RATTY

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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2008, 10:00 PM »

Well done Mrs Ratty (need to work on the finish line celebration though  ;) )

 :LolLolLolLol: She's paying for it now Mike, knee is not pretty  :-* but she's #1 so who cares  :LolLolLolLol: :daumenhoch:
A long time ago, in a land far away!


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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2008, 10:27 PM »

Well done Mrs Ratty (need to work on the finish line celebration though  ;) )

 :LolLolLolLol: She's paying for it now Mike, knee is not pretty  :-* but she's #1 so who cares  :LolLolLolLol: :daumenhoch:

After all you guys have been through this year, Nik is a well deserving 1S  :daumenhoch:

Hopefully double 1S next season when you get back riding Ratty.


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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2008, 10:36 PM »
Thanks Mike, we'll be back on top soon, today was the start, hopefully things are looking up now :daumenhoch:


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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2008, 10:50 PM »

The track - super smooth and fast
The Weather - its nearly bloody october and we came home sun burnt  :wtf:
Finally getting to see Mrs Ratty race in the flesh and not being disappointed, pity your moto was the one before us as couldnt see it all.
The drive home from Kent being trouble free - first time this year....
The total vibe of the south!


New School bikes in Old School
Mrs Ratty's fan club screaming at the gate meant we couldnt here the gate for the 3rd moto...  sorry i bitched Sonic....
Not much else - perfect way to end the season.



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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2008, 11:00 PM »
Can all the oldschoolers just go and buy new bikes to race on now?

Wasnt riding a new bike missing the point a bit?

He looked quick enough to have won on an old bike anyway.   :rant:


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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2008, 11:09 PM »
ROCKED-everything about the meeting today  :daumenhoch:

SUCKED-well nothing to do with the racing today...apart from i'm sitting at home now f**kin depressed and nearly in tears as mine and jason harveys bikes got stolen from my van tonight  :'( i don't really know what to say as i'm in a state of shock and  can't believe it  :( whenever we finish a race meeting we always get back to where we live and go straight to pizza express etc and have a good blowout on some food and chat about the days craziness,but tonight when we got back to my van and the tailgate was open and the passenger window was smash  :( my pride and joy intense cruiser and jays redline flight were gone  :'( he's gone home in shock and i'm fookin drained.I HATE EVERY THIEVING SCUMBAG C**T TOSSER PIKEY JOBLESS F**KIN THOUGHTLESS B*STARD IN THIS COUNTRY NOW  :-[ bang goes my racing and practise for a while now  :-[


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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2008, 11:14 PM »
Christ Spillers mate thats awful.....

feel for you buddy (and Jason).

presume this was in sidcup?


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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2008, 11:35 PM »
Cheers simon  ;) it was in chislehurst high st. We normally take the bikes home first so now i've learned a big lesson  :-[

All the contents of my van were all over the floor,the thick thieving scum left my stereo there and luckily all our race gear ie helmets and trousers etc

They've even took them araya aero's which i've had since i was a young racer  :'(


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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2008, 11:38 PM »
And we wont mention the unpaid profiles we fitted for you yesterday.......


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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2008, 11:45 PM »
spillers im realy gutted for you n jason  >:( post up all the details in chat n we will all scan ebay for next couple of month  :rant: why the crim justice system dont get tough on the ones that do this kinda thing realy upsets me  :tickedoff:


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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2008, 12:37 AM »
ROCKED-everything about the meeting today  :daumenhoch:

SUCKED-well nothing to do with the racing today...apart from i'm sitting at home now f**kin depressed and nearly in tears as mine and jason harveys bikes got stolen from my van tonight  :'( i don't really know what to say as i'm in a state of shock and  can't believe it  :( whenever we finish a race meeting we always get back to where we live and go straight to pizza express etc and have a good blowout on some food and chat about the days craziness,but tonight when we got back to my van and the tailgate was open and the passenger window was smash  :( my pride and joy intense cruiser and jays redline flight were gone  :'( he's gone home in shock and i'm fookin drained.I HATE EVERY THIEVING SCUMBAG C**T TOSSER PIKEY JOBLESS F**KIN THOUGHTLESS B*STARD IN THIS COUNTRY NOW  :-[ bang goes my racing and practise for a while now  :-[

Lee, I'm absolutely gutted for you and Jason.  I fooking hate thieving tossers who think they can just shit on honest hard working people by depriving them of their hard earned property  :knuppel2:  Hope your motor or home insurance covers all or some of the cost of the bikes.  M&S insurance are usually great at covering bikes (as James Cornford who got his bike nicked at the Brits will testify).

I did a really muppet thing on the way home.  Parked my car at Clacket Lane services and took Josh for something to eat, came out and my car was gone from where I thought I'd parked it.  First reaction was my pride and joy bike was gone (couldn't give a toss about the car as I have no emotional attachment to it - it's just a mode of transport).  Then realised I'd parked in a corresponding spot in the adjacent row of spaces.  Felt totally stupid after running back inside saying my car had been nicked, but would rather feel stupid than totally gutted how you must feel, Lee.  Why does shit like this always happen to the good people?! :tickedoff:

If you're gonna struggle to get another bike together, I'm happy to donate whatever spare cruiser parts I have in my garage, and if anyone else has some bits maybe they can chip in and get pretty much a complete bike together.  From memory, I've got some Landing Gear forks, TNT bars and a DMR seat you can have.  I might also have some other bits, just need to check the spares box.

Offline Humps00

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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2008, 06:32 AM »
Lee what can I say??  Thieving scumbags should be hung, drawn and quartered!!  And this happened in Chislehurst ffs!!  Humps
« Last Edit: September 29, 2008, 06:56 AM by Humps00 »


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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2008, 07:09 AM »
ROCKED: The whole day for us as a family.Pleased that Josh got second in 7 and unders novice at his first big race meeting.Weather and people great!

SUCKED:To hear that after a lovely day with a great bunch of people, 2 guys who have contributed to our great day out have had their bikes stolen by some thieving little scrotes who will be unlikely to work for a living and couldn't care less about the upset they cause others.
Hope you are back on track soon.


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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #20 on: September 29, 2008, 08:04 AM »
Can all the oldschoolers just go and buy new bikes to race on now?

Wasnt riding a new bike missing the point a bit?

He looked quick enough to have won on an old bike anyway.   :rant:

He was quick enough but declined riding Sonics o/s legal bike in the final, shame :idiot2:

Offline RATTY

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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #21 on: September 29, 2008, 08:21 AM »
Spillers Ive senbt you a pm mate, sorry to hear about your bike :-\
A long time ago, in a land far away!

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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #22 on: September 29, 2008, 08:28 AM »
Spillers my intense frame and sinz forks are yours until you get sorted mate.  :daumenhoch:


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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #23 on: September 29, 2008, 09:20 AM »

the weather
the track the best in the country by far and imaculate preperation.
east kent bmx club. to all those who were involved you gotta be proud of ya selves. quality.
the racing
rider numbers
russ winning his final
dan winning his final and getting to the semi's in the no clips.
me coming 3rd in 40+ im stoked about that.


just finding out spillers and harveys bikes being nicked gutted for you guys

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Re: Herne Bay 28th Sept. Rocked & Sucked
« Reply #24 on: September 29, 2008, 09:36 AM »

The sun certainly shone on East Kent BMX Club yesterday.
The hard work put in by all at the club. Top work and greatly appreciated.
The atmosphere was great.
East kent riders doing really well in all their classes.
Phil you rode brilliantly mate.  :daumenhoch:
The trophies were very, very nice.
Seeing Sonic getting promoted to last place and a medal. ;)


New school in old school ::)
Silly old man and bad language at BMX races don't go. :knuppel2:
hearing about Lee and Jason's bikes being nicked.  >:(
Finish line surfing ain't cool dudes.  ;D

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