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Quote from: sweetbeats™ on November 04, 2009, 01:05 PM Just read this all the way through Classic Quality read again
Just read this all the way through Classic
Didn't he come back again ?The thread was something like "mods wanted for new forum" or something like that.I remember someone saying "I will only believe you are not Adam if I get a hand written letter off your mum" ...... and then posted up a photo of a mock hand written letter off his mum PMSL Think the thread got deleted though ?
I remember someone saying "I will only believe you are not Adam if I get a hand written letter off your mum" ...... and then posted up a photo of a mock hand written letter off his mum
Don't think so Was funny as fook though - proper written in crayon jobby
Wonder where he is now though?
he'll be in the news him one day!
he's messaging the old skool riders saying he used to ride with them BITD... 15ft airs an that!! he'll be in the news him one day!
Quote from: DaveMc. on November 11, 2009, 09:20 AMhe'll be in the news him one day! Dont say that, it's like tempting fate, maybe we should just refer him to some mental health practitioners right now...