this is a follow on from the park update thread in events and gatherings! creation is undergoing numerous changes at the moment but nothing seems have been done properly! it p!sses me off to see a great skatepark go to tatters. i'm sure we've all seen it over the years. radlands in northhampton is what springs to my mind, tragic end! i fear creation is heading the same way!
here's some shots of what the park used to look like at its best, most of you have only been back on the scene a coule of years so hopefully with the pics you can see where i'm coming from, followed by the mongrel setup it has now
before the climbing center moved in, king of skatepark 2004 (dj should remembeer this well, great relaxed comp, good vibe all over)
look how polished it was, banks, rails, transitions, great lines, and good flow all over!