try midland bearings, for they are the cheapest bearing supplier in the whole world
and when you ring up, they know what you are talking about
especially when you can now cross reference the quoted bearing number with their listing
r12 2rs when you ring up say
-hello, I would like to purchase some 'R' series bearings
i'd like 'x' amount of R12 2 RS please
they will say, ok thats the 3/4 'bore' = 'i-d'=inner dimension/ 1-5/8 o-d ,= outer dimension / 7/16 overal width.
you say yes please, thank you.
oh and with regards the spacer doobery, you simply find a bit of old tubeing, that has a bore of 19.050 - 3/4 inch, buy a 2.99 pipe slice or pipe cutter, and make 10
-plus you can 'dial your bb in, so the bearings won't crush - ie old seat post tube 22.2, which is an imperial measure ment has the 3/4 inner bore
-plus if you go to a motor factors, you can buy ''cam bucket shims' with the 3/4 bore - id' and get the chain line stupidly correct as they are o.osmiidge plus the innner spacer tightness can be gotten rid of
ok so i am bored and can't sleep,