It has to be less than 36USD to avoid import duty on each item. I've bought plenty of frames and forks especially using this loophole and got the seller to put "child's bicycle parts" on the CP72 customs form, with the individual items being listed, ie $36 frame, $36 forks and $36 headset etc as this gives you a chance to get some of your cash back if they get lost.
Obviously if it get lost and you paid £300 for a posh frame you're in trouble, as the insurance only pays $36 per item

ps - worst thing was I won a load of auctions off some retard, all for bits and pieces all worth less than $36 anyway, and the special numpty at the other end added them all up and put "ebay auction" on the label. Had to pay duty and storage on the damn lot in a single sum, despite taking the action numbers with me as Parcelforce don't care, you just pay them and they tell you tyo take it up with Customs & Excise.

pity we cant do anything about import duty???
Ray when you put down the value on the shipping docs we pay duty - just got hit for another £25 to pick up those rims....
if you mark it under £50 theyll not charge...
thanks none the less - all arrived safely.