right gotta try to remember everyone, sorry if it's only your user name:
Dave Stodgy - Cheers dude, an awesome awesome event and a great spot for me stall. Dib dobs on that spot for next year.

Rob Pickle - good to see you as always Rob, and thanks too for your efforts in making the weekend happen
Dan Harris - inspiration for my dirt bros replica and supplying me with suitable (if not quite perfect) bars and some great grips.
Del - the man, good trade on those 48's dude, can;t wait to get the decals and get it built.
Bob Acid & Rich (i think) - SE Bikes across from my stall..I think they were the DJ's. I'm just off to download eric B & rakim.
Jai SE Bmxer - good to meet you again dude and thanks for hauling the goods up for me. First sale I made was pink tyres.
Steve Generallee Wilson - the News of the World said the pics of you smoking drinking and generally having a great time weren't
any good to them because they know you have scary lawyers. Thanks for some good dealing.
Speedbird001 Gav - good to meet you, another convert. lol.
two chaps, one antipodean and the other with his son in tow, both bought have haro race frames they are building, good to meet you.
chap, who bought the RS2 off me and half my stock, two kids and a mega understanding wife in attendance, she just kept on handing over the cash and she was gorgeous, damn you are a lucky man. get on here and tell me your user name/real name because i forgot it.
Martin 2020mad, great to see you and thanks for letting me and my posse take over your gazebo on Saturday.
Steve esemdesign, glad to see that mini DP finished man, that was sweet. good to meet you again too.
JTsmooth forgotten your real name. Not the best way to greet me ofr the first time "hi, excuse me, are you Biagio?" lol.
(for the record he's half my weight with a mop of hair)
Jt Racing I think and his lovely wife and the two beasts. Not sure how to get dog snot out of my black shorts. lol.
Tony Jedi and Marty good to see you as always fellas, sorry I couldn't sell that wheel.
Eammon - someone on Burnerworld wants some tange forks, not quite the ones you have but I expect yours would do.
Ian Voodoocars - great to see you mate, you've been keeping your hot wife/gf under wraps ain't you.
Paul Aerostylie - hows the man flu?
Gashead and lil gashead (hey mister are you JT71 - yep - I thought so) Gashead what is your name? I've forgotten it.
Sean Stidds and his better half - watch out for them bully bars I know where you live, and cheers again for the wheel building.
Twobobrob - for a campfire you 4 vital components. 1. wood. 2. means of making fire. 3. beverages 4. twobobrob's Trivia.
Lola chainofstrength looking good on the track, there's something about girls on BMXs, with knee and elbox pads.
which brings me on to a couple of lovely ladies twobob knows. the short one was trying to kit out her mid GT in anno'd red bits.
girls on bmxs rule. fact.
Beard - good to see you mate, shame about that re-run moto.
andyGti and he's green loving wife - sorry I;ve forgotten her name, but i know what bike he rides. lol. its like that for so many people, i have no idea what your name is but I know what bike you have.
Kuwahero - that was some journey dude
Gary poolysherrif - good to meet you...you wants some green tyres still? thanks for those pedals, perfect for my needs.
Rich - good to finally meet you man after all the emails - midschool list? lol. (don't think he get's on here but Jai can wind him up. lol)
Gaz Ozrick - didn't see you after breaky on Sunday, where'd you go?
Philbert - good work on the track dude, styling it and fast
Alex- ditto - and big thanks for the Heavy as f*** frame and forks my new project beckons.
Laz - thought your Standard was good enough for first mate. I was stunned when I won, even after helping you with some bits to finish your build, maybe that's "good karma" for me helping the competition.
Dom and the rest of the haro stand crew. Awesome. Jay weren't you supposed to send someone round to me with the black seat clamp and anothee item?
Carcosmet - good to meet you Sam...i wonder where you know me from? mmmmmm
John Dwain Dibbly - Excuse me sir is this your vehicle, this is the Police - F*** Off.
The Styler and his mate and the kids
Greg Motomag
Animal and Cupid stunt - i dunno why but I think of you two as "one" lol.
Magna13 who raced a burner, keeping it real and living it.
My mate Wayne and his wife Elisha, cheers for bringing the tent and cooking stuff.
My missus Deb for coming along and enjoying it, even if she kept talling me off foe calling folks "dude" and saying "sweet"
Didn't meet the legend that is Ratty and his crew, I think I saw him, black bandana?
No trev, gutted. hope he comes back soon
Mattdub - the cargos are long forgotten, one of the first people I met there, hatchett buried, and not in my head thankfully.
Stuntmaster - can;t believe i couldn't sell your bike, sorry dude.
and everyone else I've forgotten, it was was great to meet you all
RAD MK08 was f***ing RAD indeed.
Racing and show n shine were brilliant.
roll on MK09