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Author Topic: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!  (Read 5029 times)

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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #25 on: August 02, 2008, 06:21 PM »
Well done my son!
I'm off down to Kelvingrove shortly to try a few things myself....
Pic's later!


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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #26 on: August 03, 2008, 11:30 PM »
Just wondering if anyones got a particular trick from back in the day that you never managed to nail!?

For me it was the cherry picker.....looked so easy, but never nailed it!! grr!

I could get up there, fully into position, but then would just end up coming back down before i got the chance to balance out and hop.
Gave up after my 345,028th attempt...

HAHA I read this title and skipped it first time as I thought nobody would say cherry picker as it was easy. OOOPPPS.

I could do the flatland stuff pretty easy but I could never get any air on an aerial. Could just get my front wheel off the top a little but then my bottle went. I think maybe I did 1 or 2 aerials. Did not help that one time as I was rotating around at the top mid air my brand new crank fell out so my feel were on nothing and I crashed and burned at the bottom. Oh, drop ins also from the top of the half pipe. Never had the bottle to do that.

Cherry Pickers though, easy. No handed aswelll and the side to side wiggle to just show off :):)


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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #27 on: August 04, 2008, 02:51 AM »

I could never roll back...

which means i could never pull fakes too.... still can't!!  ;D

other stuff i still havn't managed to get....



decade's...   in fact, most flatland tricks... ( so hard to dial flat )

also... peg grinds'!!! ( cant keep me pedal's level?? )

And the BIG one for me.... TAILWHIPS!!!

been trying whip's since 1989............  ???

landed like... 5 sketchy one's up a roll in......

( I hate whips!! )  ;D


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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #28 on: August 04, 2008, 08:24 AM »
Whats the trick called where you jump of your pedals, still holding onto the handlebars spin around 360 with the handlebars and land back on the pedals??

Also, whats the name of the trick where you turn the handlebars 90 degrees, roll the bike forward so the end of the handlebars touch the ground. One hand is holding onto the other end of the handlbar and your bum is sitting over the back wheel which is up in the end.

Tail Whips I take it are when you lodge one of your feet behind the forks and whip the bike around 360 and then land back on the bike/pedals?


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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #29 on: August 04, 2008, 12:30 PM »
Whats the trick called where you jump of your pedals, still holding onto the handlebars spin around 360 with the handlebars and land back on the pedals??

Sounds like a Boomerang??

couldn't do them either!!
« Last Edit: August 04, 2008, 01:02 PM by DaveMc. »


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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #30 on: August 04, 2008, 12:39 PM »
Whats the trick called where you jump of your pedals, still holding onto the handlebars spin around 360 with the handlebars and land back on the pedals??

Sounds like a Boomerang??

could'nt do them either!!

Yeah Boomerang rings a bell. Thank you.


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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #31 on: August 04, 2008, 01:58 PM »
Also, whats the name of the trick where you turn the handlebars 90 degrees, roll the bike forward so the end of the handlebars touch the ground. One hand is holding onto the other end of the handlbar and your bum is sitting over the back wheel which is up in the end.

Miami Hopper :)

Managed to finally nail them mid nineties! Getting into them is actually pretty easy, but coming back out it's all about the timing...cos if you are still holding the seat when the back wheel touches down you kinda fall off the back of the bike and look a twat :2funny:

Alex mentioned Switzerland Squeakers earlier in the thread. I fully had them dialled when i was about 10 and it's one of those tricks i never seemed to lose. Can still do them with or without front brake, although with is obviously a lot easier.

Another one i can't get is rolling forwards on front wheel with both feet on pedals (can't remember name of that one...might just be nose wheelie or something?)
I always put too much / not enough pressure on front brake. Bloody annoying..


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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #32 on: August 04, 2008, 02:14 PM »
Also, whats the name of the trick where you turn the handlebars 90 degrees, roll the bike forward so the end of the handlebars touch the ground. One hand is holding onto the other end of the handlbar and your bum is sitting over the back wheel which is up in the end.

Miami Hopper :)

Managed to finally nail them mid nineties! Getting into them is actually pretty easy, but coming back out it's all about the timing...cos if you are still holding the seat when the back wheel touches down you kinda fall off the back of the bike and look a twat :2funny:

Alex mentioned Switzerland Squeakers earlier in the thread. I fully had them dialled when i was about 10 and it's one of those tricks i never seemed to lose. Can still do them with or without front brake, although with is obviously a lot easier.

Another one i can't get is rolling forwards on front wheel with both feet on pedals (can't remember name of that one...might just be nose wheelie or something?)
I always put too much / not enough pressure on front brake. Bloody annoying..

Excellent, Miami Hopper. Thank you. I know what you mean about getting caught on the seat as you come back up  :LolLolLolLol:

Whats a Switzerland Squeaker? Nose wheelie was after my time so never tried but it sounds hard  :)


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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #33 on: August 04, 2008, 02:38 PM »
Squeaker is this
Although i do mine with both 1 after the other...walking on the tyre.


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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #34 on: August 04, 2008, 03:08 PM »

front yards & funky chickens......

almost had them... found them so hard!!

i might start learning a bit of flatland again??


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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #35 on: August 06, 2008, 10:07 AM »

Could never nail an "applecrate" think I was just a bit too short.....and as for bar rides???........well if I'd nailed a bar-hop I might have made that progression.

Tried to go from surfer to bar-ride word: MESSY!  :)


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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #36 on: August 19, 2008, 11:17 AM »
X up airs!


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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #37 on: August 25, 2008, 06:42 PM »
540 airs, could never get enough twist, gonna try an get em nailed before my 40th in Nov :daumenhoch:


Offline bmxmatt1974

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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #38 on: August 25, 2008, 06:58 PM »
could never do decades, only managed 1 or 2 boomerangs  :-\


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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #39 on: August 26, 2008, 02:06 AM »
So much I wanna learn before I head out to England next year. I need to learn tailwhip airs, barspins, and backflips first. then move on from there. :crazy2:


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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #40 on: August 26, 2008, 10:40 PM »
So much I wanna learn before I head out to England next year. I need to learn tailwhip airs, barspins, and backflips first. then move on from there. :crazy2:

Mmmm........same here!  :LolLolLolLol:

welsh denny

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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #41 on: August 26, 2008, 11:31 PM »
pedalpickers... never learnt em bitd. brakes so much better than then so may try and learn em soon.

did pull a few applecrates bitd until the cable hanger for my spinmaster snapped mid applecrate (filed out loads to fit twin toptube on my master) and i went backwards over the bars in a weird tangled heap and cracked my head on the ramp room floor. may have been one of my last ones- maybe i should try relearn em.

ended up doin my own version then (1987)- the travelling man- an applecrate but with both wheels on the floor and jump into as many boomerangs as poss out. my best was 5 boomerangs out of it.
(did pull it with 4 boomerangs out at a merthyr ukbfa open bitd.)


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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #42 on: August 27, 2008, 08:24 AM »
only ever did pedal pickers with a coaster, sod that with a freewheel


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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #43 on: August 27, 2008, 12:37 PM »
oh yer flatland freestyle was my bag..

could lick most of the old skool tricks mentioned here.. and link them..

But what was the name of the trick where you laid the bike down side the bike would slide along on the end of the pedal.

once stopped you turned the bars put your foot on the back wheel and would pump the bike round in circles...and get real dizy..

kinda like a fiola move..

best tricks for me fast no brake rock walks.. bommerangs..decades..360 endo's into miami hopper's.. trick ramp tricks wilton's etc.

I also remember learning to cherry pick in my folks tiny garden , wedging my self in a corner.. slowly incresing the number of hops.

Ah very happy days



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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #44 on: August 27, 2008, 10:02 PM »
only ever did pedal pickers with a coaster, sod that with a freewheel

They weren't that hard with a freewheel!

Unless you tried them off a quarterpipe -  then they hurt...!  :LolLolLolLol:


Offline Wayne Ryder

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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #45 on: August 27, 2008, 11:12 PM »
Rolling on one wheel, front or back. Seriously, if I could scuff I could just about manage. But rolling? Useless.


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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #46 on: August 28, 2008, 12:56 AM »
[They weren't that hard with a freewheel!

Unless you tried them off a quarterpipe -  then they hurt...!]

I agree bmxer4ever (apart from the quarterpipe bit of course). Originally BITD I ran a coaster, and for a good while I ran only a coaster + a pots mod front (no rear brake).

Probably for this reason, I found that pedalpickers felt natural using a coaster and couldn't have imagined doing them without....

However........ I changed my mind after I ended up wrecking my rear tuff/coaster......and was forced to revert to a freewheel and rear brake I had spare. Before long though, I was pedalpicking happily again without any problems. It was just a case of getting over the idea of the coaster not being there (and having a very strong brake).

After looking through the comments in this thread, what really stands out is that quite a lot of what we might consider to be "simple" moves ended up becoming our nemesis! For example Denny mentioned being able to pull his own version of applecrates and even link them into multiple boomerangs!! So why did he struggle with pedalpickers?? Why couldn't I barhop?? (Answers on a postcard please  ;D).

Anyway this goes to show what a weird, wonderful and occasionally frustrating sport this can on that note I've decided....... I'm definitely gonna get myself a bike again and learn to barhop  :LolLolLolLol:)   


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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #47 on: August 29, 2008, 08:11 PM »
barhops. now theres a scary trick

long legs and an understanding of what would happen if you failed to clear the bars kept me well away from them


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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #48 on: September 02, 2008, 11:26 AM »
whiplashes they where a killer ! :2gunsfiring_v1:

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Re: Oldskool tricks you never managed to nail!
« Reply #49 on: September 02, 2008, 12:28 PM »
Generally for me it was trying to ride vert when running a coaster brake, the amount of times I must have landed on my ass / back doing fakies or gone over the bars when coming in from an air was stupid! Ran One of those acs freecoaster things after a while as I loved a coaster for flat.

Bar rides, forwards or back, couldn't get my head round it.

Backwards pedal pickers, just found them impossible.

Miami hoppers, could get up on the bike and balance, and pull out of them, never rode into a single One.
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