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Author Topic: Can you believe it!!!  (Read 410 times)

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Can you believe it!!!
« on: July 01, 2008, 08:54 PM »
Got to share this but not expecting any sympathy as it was a schoolboy mistake.

All lined up to head out to the local outdoor skatepark early tomorrow before work for an hour or two (well I'll be late back for work either way so might as well enjoy myself ;) )

Earlier I bought a new pair of tyres and changed and pumped up the front, then did the same for the back - I was so deep in thought about what I was going to try and achieve tomorrow that I didn't think to check the tyre / inner - all of a sudden an almightly bang and it seems I'd forgotten to seat the rim properly!!!  :uglystupid2: :uglystupid2:

To make matters worse I've no spare and its just started to rain so looks like unless I can get a spare early tomorrow and it stops raining I'll be at work on time!!!   :-\



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Re: Can you believe it!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2008, 09:00 PM »
done that before  ;D

with a track pump too

really scared me and my mate for a second  ;D

id tie a knot in each end , will do for an hour


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Re: Can you believe it!!!
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2008, 09:03 PM »
get down to spASDA  now. and but extras.

your biggest error isn't bursting your tube it's  not having spares.  :daumenhoch:

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Re: Can you believe it!!!
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2008, 09:12 PM »
Yep done that too with a skyway. I'd left the bike upstairs, went downstairs and for some reason a few minutes later.......KABOOOOMMM......well it was more of a bang really.

Yep always carry a spare rubber (tube) :coolsmiley:
Vans Style


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Re: Can you believe it!!!
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2008, 10:24 PM »
Always be prepared!!!

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