Reading through a few old copies of BMX Action I noticed a lot of Rebel adverts popping up from early 84 on. Several full page glossies, and loads of smaller half and quarter page 'Dealer list' ads.
What im getting at is through 1984, the good old Rebel logo (see below) was plastered all around the conscious memories of young BMX'ers.

Now most will know of the surely co-incidental fact that the Rebel logo was a full on rip off of the 'Revell Models' (model car, plane, boat kits) logo...

But how many noticed (or that by January 1985 that logo had stopped being used in association with the bikes. Surely as the direct result of some legal action pending against them. This advert is from the Jan 1985 issue, and while its difficult to make out on the bike (that now has two of the General Lee flags on the downtube decal either side of the new style writing). It seems obvious from the Rebel typeface on the ad itself along with a much heavier emphasis on the flag itself (that can't be copyrighted) that something is going down.
Its difficult to make out, but an obvious font change just as they are building the brand would be a strange move.

Anyone ever hear anything about this BITD?