well i bought this bike in the beginning about 5 yrs ago and it started the madness off , various bikes later TA'S ,ET,HLT turbo,s ,turbolites etc ...... it sort of got neglected this over the years ,so since selling the bikes that never meaned that much to me i set about trying to get this as good as i can as i had one as a kid .
i went over to me Mums tonight to cut her lawn so thought id take the Streak with me to give it some love
- its as good as i can get it now with more or less as it should be , i sourced the correct forks from the states, got some proper pedals and stem recently and a seat clamp from our freind Mr Bananman - top fella lee
here she is the pictures are not fantastic but hey ho what do you expect with a crappy camera..,looks so much better in the flesh ... no more searching for os bmx parts for me,i havent typed old bmx in ebay for 4 days now which is unheard of for me .
i live in the tourist trap Stratford on Avon - i have never really ridden my bikes ive owned but i went into town on saturday on the GEN 1 and fook me it was a right buzz - middle age blokes rubber necking amd pointing
may have looked at tw4t but felt about 11 again

My mrs reckons my anorak is off - cheeky bitch