Hey fellow Rad'ers
Sorry i havent been on here in a while, not that i dont love you all super lots and all.. site just started to get a bit negative in area's and BMX has always been the most positive part of my life. Cant be arsed disputing what company is better or what tricks are classed as new, old, mid etc just wanted to ride my bike!
We all ride bikes at the end of the day, whether you been riding a week, a year or a decade, you shouldnt hate!

UKBIKECO is going great

been travelling around loads, people asking a lot of questions.. bikes holding up amazing! been riding a lot of street just lately
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if you get curious

life is pretty good, little pay rise at work!
Bust up my foot at rampworks which sucked soooo bad, couldnt ride up to standard for a few weeks but things are all ship shape again now

ill still come to the epic jam and teach you guys, thats if you want me there that is??
going masters 2nd july in cologne, ill make a tidy little web video for you all to watch when i return! germany is the best, you guys should all try and make it over there next year!
Hope you all have been well! probably see you around the UK some time! messages if you wanna huck up
laters dudes!