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Absolutely gutted...
« on: June 07, 2008, 06:58 AM »
Id been looking for some of these Reynolds 531 bars for ages for my Rebel build when these popped up on the bay sold by Alans.  They are exactly the same bars as the Rebel Xpert bars and in NOS condition, so was gonna rebagde em as such.

Yesterday I received a set of the 5 chainrings Alan does which I guess means my bars are now with someone else who expected a few chainrings yet now has a nice set of NOS CW style bars (chances they will own up and return them?). 

Dont blame anyone for the mix up as its easily done (although the invoice on my packaing said handlebars and anybody should have realised there were no bars in my package due to the size and shape of the envelope used).

Im just absolutely gutted that I probably wont see them now.  I have spoken to Alan and he will offer a refund, but that doesnt make me feel any better at  the fact that someone else has my bars.

So my question is now, anyone have any nice Reynolds 531 (badged as Rebel or not) bars they are willing to sell me for my Rebel build?  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Offline brass monkey!

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Re: Absolutely gutted...
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2008, 07:28 AM »
thats not good !  :(

can't Alan's give you the contact details of the person who ordered the chain rings ?

or even sort it out them selves ???

i'd be mad if i were you and ask for Alans to get your bars back from the wrong recipient !

hope you get it sorted  :daumenhoch:

Offline bmxmatt1974

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Re: Absolutely gutted...
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2008, 07:35 AM »
yeah surely alans will know who ordered the chainrings so should be able to do something about it other than a refund  :-\


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Re: Absolutely gutted...
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2008, 07:36 AM »
If it was a straight mix up I know who has ended up with my bars, as there was only one other set of chainrings sold on the day my bars sold.  Its whether this buyer admits to it, as its very easy to keep quiet when you receive a £40 pair of bars when your expecting a £10 set of chainrings.

I think Alan should be chaising it hard, but sounded quite blar-zay (how do you spell that?) when I spoke to him and said he could give me a refund.  I dont particularly want a refund, I want my bars...  :tickedoff:


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Re: Absolutely gutted...
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2008, 08:58 AM »
Thats shocking, Alan needs to get in touch with the orther guy and get it sorted....thats his responsability as a retailer


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Re: Absolutely gutted...
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2008, 09:01 AM »
Blase ;)  They are nice bars so that's a shame.  Threaten him with a negative - maybe that will spur him into some kind of action.  Who was this other bidder? >:D


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Re: Absolutely gutted...
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2008, 07:40 PM »
We'll have to see what happens.  I have a good idea of who has my bars and so far Alans has heard nothing from them.  Chances of me getting these bars is close to zero imo. :(


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Re: Absolutely gutted...
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2008, 08:09 PM »
If it was me who got the bars, i would contact and find out where my chainrings are surely the other person has not got what they wanted either. I could see it if you both ordered bars.  :-\


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Re: Absolutely gutted...
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2008, 08:12 PM »
You should definitely insist for alans to make contact with the guy and arrange collection... likewise with you and the chain rings.

They are a retailer and they are at fault... as crap as the company I work for are they would do just that.

It's not right and you should not tolerate it... regardless of the costs involved.

The country is becoming more and more like this... and if everyone sits back, it'll only get worse and nothin will change.!!

Those bars are important to you ... LET THEM KNOW !!!! ;)



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Re: Absolutely gutted...
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2008, 11:05 PM »
 :) I`m getting like a stuck record.....I was slating Alans in another thread last week for poor customer service.I`m still bloody waiting for a part they told me would be in stock within a few days,that has now turned into 3 weeks.Alan has been around forever,surely he knows that his business is going down the pan?   


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Re: Absolutely gutted...
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2008, 12:02 AM »
i once got a part delivered that was not what i ordered.....

the next day i got an email from the shop and we sorted it out and they sent me the postage slip which i stuck on a posted off the rightfull owner, the other customer did the same ;)

fingers crossed for ya :)

Offline Brandy Truffle

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Re: Absolutely gutted...
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2008, 06:33 AM »
Well, the winners of the 5 chainring "deal" Alans knocks out around the time you won the bars were..

ebay member:-  zxc0010 (won on 2nd June - same day as you)

ebay member:-  kshroud (won on 4th June)

ebay member:-  vie-a-vi  (won on 5th June)

Do a bit of detective work and use the "contact member" form on ebay - if you havent already, then forward an email to ALANS with the info and ask him to do some real chasing on it.

I had 2 bad shopping experiences with Alans and one personal experience of his "couldnt give a....... attitude" over my dissatisfaction. In one fell swoop he lost 20+ years of my respect for him,both as a top Bmx racer and Businessman. If someones willing to do that over 40 quid, Good Luck to them.

Hope you manage to track the bars down. As ALANS says in the auction

OK I am finally starting to go thru the odd boxes off stuff we have around here, this stuff is pretty much all one-offs, so keep checking my auctions over the next few weeks.

I am now getting down to the really good stuff. One offs, items I kept for my own bikes, etc. There is going to be some great stuff on here over the next few weeks so check back - and see my other auctions too.

So he should know,if someone bids on a set of bars that were "one offs" in Alans stash,chances are they REALLY needed/wanted them so should blummin well spend a little time and effort tracking them down. How damn hard can it be??

Word of Mouth about Alans slack customer service has spread this far South and people i know WONT buy from the shop anymore.Not just old school,but new school stuff as well. I hope he sorts it out.


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Re: Absolutely gutted...
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2008, 07:30 AM »
Well, the winners of the 5 chainring "deal" Alans knocks out around the time you won the bars were..

ebay member:-  zxc0010 (won on 2nd June - same day as you)

ebay member:-  kshroud (won on 4th June)

ebay member:-  vie-a-vi  (won on 5th June)

Do a bit of detective work and use the "contact member" form on ebay - if you havent already, then forward an email to ALANS with the info and ask him to do some real chasing on it.

I had 2 bad shopping experiences with Alans and one personal experience of his "couldnt give a....... attitude" over my dissatisfaction. In one fell swoop he lost 20+ years of my respect for him,both as a top Bmx racer and Businessman. If someones willing to do that over 40 quid, Good Luck to them.

Hope you manage to track the bars down. As ALANS says in the auction

OK I am finally starting to go thru the odd boxes off stuff we have around here, this stuff is pretty much all one-offs, so keep checking my auctions over the next few weeks.

I am now getting down to the really good stuff. One offs, items I kept for my own bikes, etc. There is going to be some great stuff on here over the next few weeks so check back - and see my other auctions too.

So he should know,if someone bids on a set of bars that were "one offs" in Alans stash,chances are they REALLY needed/wanted them so should blummin well spend a little time and effort tracking them down. How damn hard can it be??

Word of Mouth about Alans slack customer service has spread this far South and people i know WONT buy from the shop anymore.Not just old school,but new school stuff as well. I hope he sorts it out.

Hey man, thanks for taking the time to do that.  I did check and emailed the guys who won the chainrings on the 4th July (bit soon) and the 2nd July (same day as my bars so doesnt take a brain surgeon to work out who got them).   

I actually got a reply the winner of the July 4th auction, who told me he hadnt recieved anything yet (which did make sense as the auction was only 3 days old when I emailed).  The winner of the July 2nd auction hasnt emailed, and it makes perfect sense that he got them and I got his chainrings (an auction that ended at £9.99). 

The fact that these chainrngs are coming fast and furious onto ebay means he can just bid on another set and he gets my bars for a tenner. 

I emailed Alan with all this info a couple days ago and it sounds like he is basically waiting for the guy to contact him (if he ever does) and doesnt seem to be chasing the matter from a customer satisfaction perspective.

If this ends with me missing out on the bars (which as a I said were listed on the invoice attached to the tiny package containing the chainrings...?), then I will no longer shop with him.  Not a response I want to take, but you know when someone is doing all they can to rectify a situation for you, and I just dont get that feeling from him.


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Re: Absolutely gutted...
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2008, 07:43 AM »
I just emailed Alan saying this...  We'll see how it transends.


As I mentioned I checked out the recent buyers of your '5 chainrings deal' and came to the following conclusion. It had to be one of the following:

ebay member:- zxc0010 (won on 2nd June - same day as me)

ebay member:- kshroud (won on 4th June)

I decided to email both of these buyers and kshroud (4th June winner) got back in touch to say he was still waiting for his delivery. Chances are therefore, it isnt him.

zxc0010, who won the chainrings on the same day as me, hasnt got back. Can you check what happened in the post room the day my bars were sent out (following the 2nd July auction win) and who is most likely to have recieved my bars (i'm guessing zxc0010).

I would expect that you have emailed this person, explaining the problem and asking for the immediate return of my bars. As I said, I dont expect him to push this unless you do as he has recieved a better item than expected.

Please let me know you are progressing this issue.

Danny Whiteley


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Re: Absolutely gutted...
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2008, 12:19 PM »
 :2gunsfiring_v1:The more I read this,the more angry I become! Think I`m gonna go elsewhere in future.I need to buy a load more stuff over the next month & my money will not be going to Alans.I`ve had a moan at them  before & was told"we don`t have a computerised stock system."
Seems like they have no stock system at all.Maybe I should put them in the Messers & who to avoid section.... :rant:

Offline Brandy Truffle

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Re: Absolutely gutted...
« Reply #15 on: June 08, 2008, 12:39 PM »
Chances are it could have been some work experience kid or Saturday Boy working for him which made an innocent mistake,as i'm sure Alan doesnt do the tedious picking/packing & posting for all his Mail Order stuff.

Mistakes happen,so from looking above,he's been notified and whether or not he values this side of his business enough to take a few minutes out of his busy day to rectify the situation remains to be seen. As can be seen,these were one off auction item, one set sent out on ebay in the last 90 days. It cant be hard to track them down surely. :daumenhoch:


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Re: Absolutely gutted...
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2008, 01:17 PM »
I once phoned up alans and asked if that was Biagio on the phone... they hung up on me...   :LolLolLolLol:

so I then phoned Biagio...  :-[


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Re: Absolutely gutted...
« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2008, 08:38 AM »
Well slap with with a wet fish, the bars arrived this morning.  Cant believe it.  Not sure whats happened, but they must have been returned.

So all is well in the world, and big thanks to Alan for sorting it...

p.s. the bars are cool... :)

Offline Brandy Truffle

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Re: Absolutely gutted...
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2008, 07:23 PM »
Credit where credits due then.Good Job.  :daumenhoch:

May order some tyres & bits n pieces from him after all then  ;)


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Re: Absolutely gutted...
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2008, 08:37 PM »
So heres what all the fuss was about, NOS Reynolds 531 bars (same as Rebel Xpert) with NOS Rebel bar pad (that I already had).


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Re: Absolutely gutted...
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2008, 09:28 PM »
Delighted you got your bars. Well done to Alans for sorting it.

It's never easy when you're waiting for that one item you've been searching for.

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