tbh over the last couple of weeks i read through some quite nasty threads
that start with some member saying that some part he bought has snapped or
cracked. well the minutes it's posted everyone fires back with well it ok with me or
it's a piece of shite, listen, if your not a full on rider don't shout back, leave it to the lads
who ride and abuse these parts, i saw a ti profile axle crack today, my billy has now broke
two profile crank arms, endless pedals ect, the amount of bars and frames i have seen
cracked through riding, and i mean RIDING, not cruising around but proper seshes going down,
this is when you know that these parts are good or bad, trust the boys that do it, obbie and davemc
isaac. billybmx billy stupps ect will ride theses parts to the max, it really digs me when a hard rider breaks
a part and a not so full on rider argues to the point where it gets outta hand that, well it's fine with me.
it's not fine, if you dont push it to the max, you cant judge, these parts will break and the full on riders
are the test pilots, they know whats best