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RADBMX.CO.UK  |  Technical & Reference Section  |  Tech and Restoration  |  Spoke Length

Author Topic: Spoke Length  (Read 1030 times)

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Spoke Length
« on: June 06, 2008, 11:51 AM »
anyone shed some light on the dark art of spoke length calc.

I've used an online calc, put in my info.

I have:
Araya 7x 48 rims
Peregrine 48 Hubs (think these are Suzue large flanged sealed)

done the measuring and that, put it in the calc and it came out with:

182.5mm for the front
181.8mm for the back

but Jai suggested I needed 180mm for this set up.

can anyone help?
how much play is there, ie if the above is correct do I need 182mm spokes?

is it 4 x pattern on 48's?

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