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Author Topic: Ol,d School Build Question: coasters  (Read 989 times)

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Ol,d School Build Question: coasters
« on: June 03, 2008, 04:15 PM »
okay couple of probably stupid questions.

1. if you build a freestyle bike with a coaster brake would there be reasons to still fit a conventional rear brake for certain tricks.

2. if you leave the arm off the coaster brake will it let you roll backwards without pedalling?

Offline TwoBobRob

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Re: Ol,d School Build Question: coasters
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2008, 04:27 PM »
The answers are yes and yes.

I always ran three brakes on my bike, the coaster can be a little harsh for certain things - manuals for instance.  Only back then they were called coaster wheelies..... or gliders.....  and most all backwards stuff I never used the coaster.

As for you second question, why would you want to leave the arm off?  Fit it and use it   ;)   Remember though if you leave the arm off, you'll still have to 'set' the coaster first. A tiny crank backwards  (a couple of inches or so) just as you're settled before the ramp.   :)


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Re: Ol,d School Build Question: coasters
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2008, 04:31 PM »
The answers are yes and yes.

I always ran three brakes on my bike, the coaster can be a little harsh for certain things - manuals for instance.  Only back then they were called coaster wheelies..... or gliders.....  and most all backwards stuff I never used the coaster.

As for you second question, why would you want to leave the arm off?  Fit it and use it   ;)   Remember though if you leave the arm off, you'll still have to 'set' the coaster first. A tiny crank backwards  (a couple of inches or so) just as you're settled before the ramp.   :)

cheers Rob

back to your best I see.

when will you be back on a bike? or a board?

I won't be riding or doing any rolling backwards stuff on the build anyway, it's just a show bike I have in mind but wantd to fit two brakes and a coaster. the leave the arm off thing was just something I had wondered about for a while.

edit: read your update ont he knee. wicked man, wicked, you making the novice night in your jedi master capacity?

« Last Edit: June 03, 2008, 04:35 PM by JT71 »

Offline TwoBobRob

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Re: Ol,d School Build Question: coasters
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2008, 04:38 PM »

I'll be back riding properly towards the end of this year, although I'll be playing around on my bike from now on  :daumenhoch:

As for snowboarding, my goal is to be out in my place in France next February for the month while the world championships are on out there   :)

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