"the fuji investment corporation and the DC skateboard shoe company"
"celebrating 25 years of fook all"
all the hoo-haa about the "20 version and theyre worth diddly squat

i've seen 2 go up on the gay-bay in the last year and both went for peanuts,
it seems bmxers genuinely "dont believe the hype"

the bike itself just looks like a parts catalogue special with a frame that looks a bit like a quad,
i STILL dont get the shit grey colour... whats old school OR "se racing" about it??!!
it'll be way overpriced for its spec too

another corporate w@nk-pony from FUJI bikes.
just what we need eh?
if the circumstances were similar to the skyway re-pops/retro's wherein the company was still in the original owners hands and they'd been struggling through the years, i'd be behind it 100%,
i'd even go as far a so say that the "normal" quads FUJI have been putting out are quite nice

some of the F&F kits folk have been building are quality builds!!

but why on earth this skateboard shoe special edition has been w@anked out i do not know,
if i really wanted a "24 bike that looked like a quadangle i'd be e-mailing kappa/etc, at least you know youre getting something that has a little love and BMX built into it

Morceau Putain de merde.