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Author Topic: What is old school bmx?  (Read 875 times)

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aditup 2234

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What is old school bmx?
« on: May 04, 2008, 02:40 AM »
Is it people who have a passion for what they hold dearly to their heart, derived from their childhold pastime (hobby is not the right word here cos it was our lives, it was mine, at least) or is it a "I own this" community?
Now, in my opinion, it is just a bunch of ego maniacs, he who earns more, wins. Wether it be an ebay auction, or the latest £1000+ build they just accomplished?
Maybe it is a bit of the "green eyed monster" in me, but, Dave, you have asked the question as to what is happenning in this community, and this is my conclusion.
Not all of us have £'s at our disposal, so cannot afford the high prices that these "builds" demand!
That said and done, this is and always will be the number one OS BMX website.
Albeit, if we could do away with all the bickering and squabbling.
Back to my point!
I doubt there is nothing that can be done about this!
What a shame, is all I can say. ( I remember the good old days)
Childrens bicycles for fooks sake.
Lets all have a bit of a reality check.
I have taken a back stage position for a long time on here now, purely and simply because of all the "sharp shites" who have an opinion, on your opinion.
Don't get me wrong, enter the lions den and all that, but why don't you who know "nowt", just sit back and educate yourselves, before jumping in with both feet?
Why all the mud slinging?
I don't "prefer" this site anymore, not like I used to, but I HAVE THE PASSION FOR OS BMX and cannot leave it alone! FACT!
I am itching to delete my account, but cannot find it in my heart to do it.
When was the last time I slagged someone off on here?
Never, if my memory serves me right!
Take a leaf out of my book, "sharp shite"!!!!!
Sit back and learn!
Ad  :daumenhoch:


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Re: What is old school bmx?
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2008, 02:47 AM »
i don't think old school bmx is about who owns what. it's about the memories you had as a kid.

i don't collect old school bikes, but i have memories of having one when i was a kid. i can still do a few old school tricks. that's about it. but i still feel as if i am part of the old school scene.

if there are people who think old school bmx is only about collecting old school bikes with the rarest of rare parts, then they are missing out on a whole aspect of it. I can still do cherry pickers and framewhips. that doesn't cost me anything. i still have the memories, that doesn't cost me anything either. if someone wants to spend thousands of pounds to feel part of the old school scene, then it's up to them. i personally would rather go with the free option.


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Re: What is old school bmx?
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2008, 07:17 AM »


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Re: What is old school bmx?
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2008, 07:48 AM »
Its about riding   ;)  not dust collecting , just my opinion , once you have a bike , no matter how much it cost , or what bits it has on it , its about riding the blooming things, dont get me wrong, its great to look at the bikes, but at mk last year i didnt realy look that much, as was more interested in riding around the track, and racing, i never raced bitd, so was a great laugh, you never know how much longer you can do all this, ive had a wake up call recently, and was thinking about stop riding, but untill im told i have to stop , im going to keep on RIDING  ;) so it dont matter if ya have tons os dosh and hundreds of bikes, ive got 1 , and my passion has never been stronger for these little bikes   :4_17_5:



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Re: What is old school bmx?
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2008, 08:07 AM »
Soneones gonna wake up with a sore head this morning...

Do what you wanna do, if you dont ride and just collect, so what, give a shit...?


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Re: What is old school bmx?
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2008, 08:19 AM »
    one of the raddest kids i know from back in the day used 2 snap frames like they were goin out of fashion.[pirahnas ammocco pk rippers freeagents ghp the list could go on 4 ages ]still ridin and still able 2 tear it up. this kid has allways cared more 4 wot he is ridin 2 wot he is ridin it on. his bikes would make many a collector drool nowdays but they did 4 him wot they were built 2 do. on the same estate wos a kid who sat about on some still 2 this day nicest rides i have ever seen takin the piss out of peoples lesser cheaper bikes . never once saw this kid do anymore than a wobbly bunnyhop when no one was watchin. bmx with him lasted till a more xpnsive craze came along. i suppose nothing much changes. :2gunsfiring_v1:


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Re: What is old school bmx?
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2008, 08:47 AM »
for me old school bmx got me on to RAD  ive made lots of good friends on here and probally a few enemys ive sold nearly all my bmx stuff now except me crusier as i am into riding my motorbike which takes up most of my spare time (and cash)

i come on rad nearly every day, i dont post as much as i used to  but i still love looking at old school bmxs and take my hat off to the length's some members go to produce in my opinion "works of art "

RAD has changed its not the place it was, but it averages 130 people a day now as opposed to 70 when i first came on here,  so it aint gonna be like it was,,  but i will say to all memebers, new and old  it would never have got where it is now (No 1 os bmxsite in the world) by constant bickering , backstabbing etc so remember  its old school bmx , nothing more, nothing less and just enjoy it  and take something out of it for yourself  and let others enjoy whatever they want to take out of it ( riding, racing ,freestyle, nos bikes, survivors, whatever , it dont matter)

 remember LIVE THE DREAM  ;) and play nicely

Lee Shurey

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Re: What is old school bmx?
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2008, 09:06 AM »
Dudes sit back take a chill pill
riding, collecting, its all good ive been back on a bike for 3 months after 22 years lay off nowt has changed
yes you got pkradman house full of fooking superb bikes one end then you got me won my take ivy in a raffle
chaps you all need to take a step back we are so lucky to have such a great site that is RADBMX (Thanks Dave)
ive made some new friends and ive found some old ones
so be thankful for what you have ya don't know what is round the corner (Stephen Murray)
PLEASE stop the whinging, moaning, backstabbing
its a nice day get off the sofa get on ya bmx an do what ya did BITD and SMILE  :)  :)  :)

« Last Edit: May 04, 2008, 01:25 PM by Lee Shurey »


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Re: What is old school bmx?
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2008, 09:27 AM »
Its pointless trying to catergorise why we are all addicted to this hobby/interest, whatever it is to you personally, is what it i,. In every environment relatrionships blossom between certain individuals like they would at a football and golf club and they also deteriorate, thats not exclusive to this site. I know why i come on here, to get good advice, to indulge my interest in Haro's and learn more about other bikes from the era, but i also know who i care to talk with and it aint everyone. Its really now worth over analysing as its human nature that these situations and ups and downs occur in this type of enviroinment......hell its bound to be all rosy in a few months time when the suns out and the trading picks up, lets get on with it.


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Re: What is old school bmx?
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2008, 09:30 AM »
 Me for one have a crapy OS areo reflex.  it cost best part of £100 for tyers, tubes, cables ect. I dont have the funds or the inclination to collect .
I do find it a shame that prices are so High because there are a few things that I would like and just plain and simply cant justify paying the price for.
For me there are the guys who do a fastiatic job building show bikes and I take my hat off to them .
at first I thought what a pity theses are never ridden .. but thats the point, they are for people too look at first and formost
and then there are guys like me who dont give a munkeys uncle what they  ride or what you ride. (Colective YOU  that is ).
 I didnt BITD and I still dont now.
I can apprciate a nice bike dont get me wrong .... But



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Re: What is old school bmx?
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2008, 09:36 AM »
i just love bmx.

couldnt give a fook for all the rest of it :daumenhoch:


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Re: What is old school bmx?
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2008, 10:16 AM »
I'm new around here so my opinions might not count - I don't really care though. As a kid in the early 80's like many I had a grifter & was happy with that, then I saw an item on one of the (2) saturday morning kids TV programmes about the new 'craze' from America. From then on it was BMX all the way for me & my mates, Burner's, Puch's, Mongoose up to a T/A I sold for pennies when I was about eighteen. If we were not riding we were either sleeping or eating, (the only T.V we would come in for in the holidays was BMX beat). Our only thoughts were on the latest parts & how we could get our hands on them, when the next issue of action bike was out or how to wheeley/jump further/do more backhops than each other. None of us had rich parents (I bought my T/A second hand). We all made do with CW copies etc, if we were lucky we would get some DX's but drempt of Hutch beartraps. BMX was our lives. I can't remember where I was the day of the twin towers but I could take you to the exact spot where I first saw a P.K. Ripper on the streets. Today, I have 2 kids, a morgage, the usual bills etc but I like to see something for my efforts at work after I've paid most of my earnings out, I am currently amassing parts for a T/A I have bought (thanks Mark.j) &  the P.K. Ripper I never had, these will have the bits on I didn't have BITD such as flight cranks, Hutch beartraps etc. If I have to pay £350 for the pedals & they take 6 months to find then so what, its not a case of 'look what i've got' its me living the dreams of my childhood nothing more, nothing less. In any hobby you will always have the cheque book heros but do whats right for you & remember its for you NOT them. :daumenhoch:

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Re: What is old school bmx?
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2008, 10:28 AM »
i just love bmx.

couldnt give a fook for all the rest of it :daumenhoch:

best answer yet.

however ad, you do see where i am coming from with my question in the other thread, which is good, the site seems to be trying to take a turn, pushed by a little bickering, but, this site aint for turning.....and i for one would love to see a little of the old banter that used to be on here, and the old forum.
but with so many new members, its very hard, as the written word is hard to interpret, you get used to a few members style of writing, and know when they are joking or serious....

the expensive builds thing.....each to their own i suppose, ive always cut deals, shopped about and waited till the prices suit me when buying parts, so have always built my os bikes pretty cheap, ask radman, he will tell you ive never paid more than a £100 for flight cranks...
but to me its not just about the builds anyways, its whats locked in here   :uglystupid2: from (for me) late 79 to late 84....that and getting together, with others that did the same bitd (i hate the term bitd) chat, have a few giggles, have a nibble at a bit of riding, have a few beers, and chill.....ffs we are nearly all in our 40's now, lets just have a good time eh?


haro, how do you do


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Re: What is old school bmx?
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2008, 10:36 AM »
Ad...dont delete your account..I'll get annoyed if you do   :knuppel2:>:D

Old School BMX, erm actually I havent a clue why I started collecting them, didn't ride them BITD, didn't dream of them, didnt want them...

....Now I have a T/A and 84 Master, a mid Group1, and 4 retros I'm still scratching my head and wondering WTF is going on.  Yes they've cost me a bit of wedge, but doesnt everything you really want.  For me it was never about the money (but fook me, part of me curses that bmx collecting basted inside who nicks all me money  :'( >:D).

I like the bikes, dunno why, just to be better than collecting cabbage patch dolls I guess.  :daumenhoch:


aditup 2234

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Re: What is old school bmx?
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2008, 10:41 AM »
Soneones gonna wake up with a sore head this morning...

Do what you wanna do, if you dont ride and just collect, so what, give a shit...?

You make the pressumption I was pissed last nite?
Thank you, stranger, for judging me.
My point exactly!
I could judge you with your poor effort to contribute something constructive, but I shall refrain.


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Re: What is old school bmx?
« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2008, 10:58 AM »
basically you,ll get collecters and peeps wanting to thrash around on os bikes kudos to all. my back is starting to feel hell of a lot better so will start using my fox v soon :) love that set up i saw at ruddington and my lad loves his skateboards so will be giving that a try very soon :) :) think this site is great personally and spend loads of time on far as slagging other people off the only slagging off ive seen is when someone thinks theyve bought something and someone else ends up with it.the sale should be done on the thread and not by pm :)

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Re: What is old school bmx?
« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2008, 11:13 AM »
     I agree with some of what you say and I for one have always tried to be one step back from the front line but in the last few days have expereienced it, not a nice thing. I will never publically attack someone but feel constructive comment directly in a private is the best way. I still believe this site is built on honour and trust which we just need to remind some of our newer members from time to time ;)

As far as the drive, for me its the "bike i had" and "the bike my parents couldn't afford" I certainly don't have many bikes left but I love them all :smitten:

With regards to this being too expensive, i think some people should try and restore bikes and not just clothe them in "NOS" parts which removes their identity and past.

No matter what anyone says I would never delete my account, I have earned it, like you have......just remember the meet in Sheffield, thats why some of us are here :daumenhoch:


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Re: What is old school bmx?
« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2008, 11:15 AM »
You make the pressumption I was pissed last nite?
Thank you, stranger, for judging me.
My point exactly!
I could judge you with your poor effort to contribute something constructive, but I shall refrain.

No, just making a comment on a public forum.


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Re: What is old school bmx?
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2008, 12:23 PM »
tobybrown has it

"    one of the raddest kids i know from back in the day used 2 snap frames like they were goin out of fashion.[pirahnas ammocco pk rippers freeagents ghp the list could go on 4 ages ]still ridin and still able 2 tear it up. this kid has allways cared more 4 wot he is ridin 2 wot he is ridin it on. his bikes would make many a collector drool nowdays but they did 4 him wot they were built 2 do. on the same estate wos a kid who sat about on some still 2 this day nicest rides i have ever seen takin the piss out of peoples lesser cheaper bikes . never once saw this kid do anymore than a wobbly bunnyhop "

ive met a very wide selection of people through bmx , some enjoy it more than most but they have all enjoyed it . its very true the more money = the nicer bike same as an unridden bike will look better than the one being ridden constantly . but you have to remember that its almost certain that if you can read this your sat infront of a computer so unless you have a laptop and are sat in the middle of a skatepark or in the pits of the track you are only seeing the part of bmx where the best bikes get shown off . after all , the people riding are out riding , they dont care to put pictures up on a websites they are too busy riding

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