Ok ,
I sold the bike below ( Redline PL20 ) to Darren on here in 04/05 , he split it & ebayed it in parts .
I wan't to try & find the F+F , it's my old F+F from 84/85 that I'd like to recover/buy back to build a replica of my race bike from bitd . Darren earlier found me an email address for the guy who won the ebay auction but the email addy has'nt worked .
The guy's info I have is as follows:
S.Wilson - lives in Leicester ? .
I spoken with another member tonight who believes he has painted an ET Kuwi for a Steve Wilson from Leicester ?? .
Does anyone know Steve at all ? , I've got shedloads of pics of me racing that F+F but foolishly sold it the same year I found out about rad ! .
The F+F Steve won on ebay was the F+F on the bike below ( same colour when he won it ) ........................................

Guy's , does anyone know Steve Wilson from leicester ?? .