bloody spaz
i take grammer a bit personally , even through my devonian accent i speak a tad posh , for instance i say baath not baff
i had a mate with similar spaz tendancies , like joeseph said its saying what you see

except my mate took it to his penmanship and would ignore the lines on paper and would instead write in a scrawling circular motion spiraling towards the centre
i kid ye not
i witnessed it once , he would speak as he "wrote " as if to justify the scrawlings ( picture saying com-pu-ter while wildly jerking the pen from one side of the paper to the other )
its easier on a puter as it eliminates crap handwriting ( i have the mrs write my envelopes

)| but i can spell ( while not pished on wine , or fighting my laptops slow keys

) and if something doesnt look correct i wang it in google for them to give me what i want
but i digress , at least its not txt spk