I'll stick this in here as the Parks, Tracks and Gatherings section has been bastardised.
I'm not 100% sure if this is a brand new park, or an older park recently refurbished, but I saw some chaps the other week fitting the final layer to a park in Bletchingley, Surrey. Right on the main road, next to the recycling centre.
I had a look today. It's the size of a tennis court, all wooden with a smallish jumpbox with a pussy rollover landing, vert wall, a couple of mellowish 1/4s at either end and a big spine/volcano combo in the middle. I'd say the spine is very nearly 6ft high and not very wide, so the novices amongst us are gonna struggle to get over it I'd say.
Fun to be had on the jumpbox though, very unintimidating

There's a subbox section at one end too, for the nibblers

Free to ride by the looks of it, and hardly used either judging by the marks I could see. Take a broom though, it's fcuking filthy. Well worth a visit if you're in that area.