i put my z's etc up for sale on here last week,ive had someone email me on my personal email not through here,they never give their name or anything,there email address is <bmxmoderator2@ etc (ive not put all the address up)
its just they made an offer on the z,s and the tyres i had of £20 less than i wanted so i said,meet me in the middle(eg give me another £10) they said nope didnt want em,(i know if i wanted something for an extra £10 id have had it)i emailed them to say if id still got em id let em know,which i did,to get a reply "have you still got them",id have thought that was obvious as id just emailed saying i had

anyway ive now brought some more stuff and emailed to say if they want em at his/her price they can,but i dont do paypal,there reply AGAIN with no name etc is just" why dont you do paypal" ?
it just seems strange to me that they dont reply by pm or through the site only through my email and never give a name ?
its been going on a few days and they still not said yes ill send a cheque etc ? are they just messing about or are they interetsed?
if they are genuine i appologise but if not