I found some photos of a crash I had at Radlands, Northampton, in 1991.
The park had just opened, it may have even been my first time there. There was a really good 6ft high mini that had a flat bank down from one side with handrails down it. I wanted to air out of the mini and grind down the outside of the rail, which apart from a small 1/4 in the way, had a big drop down to the concrete floor. I was there with Ian Oz who is sat on the deck (not on the bike) and Sunil who took the photo.
The problem was, I did the grind like I was on a transition. My weight was way over to the side and I wasnt on top of the rail at all. As I ground, I lent in too far and my front peg slipped off the coping. Because the rear peg was still locked on I went straight over the bars to flat, on my head.
I was pretty much knocked out. I got up but dont remember anything about it. I 'came too' after I had walked around for a bit and got lead over to the skatepark shop. The owners wife gave me a lift to Hospital but I don’t remember too much of the journey as I kept passing out and spent most of the way with my head between my legs to stay with it. Northampton A&E stitched my eyebrow up and I was all OK really, just a few bruises.
When I went back to Radlands a few weeks later (and made the rail that time) someone had written up the incident on the café board, which I thought was quite funny.
The trick, right as it started to go wrong
Me getting cleaned up in Radlands shop
A few days later, lookin tuff!
The cafes trick of the day