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Nice meeting you today dean and big respect for jumping the first doubles in the final i wandered what the f**k was happening when out of the corner of my eye i saw ya front wheel above me head respect, i think your the first old skooler to jump them ever
Did anyone take pics today?? I didnt think to take my camera with all the "snow" commotion this morning and I really want a pic of Chloe in her pink kit
He maybe on a new school but big respect to dave for turning up and racing poor old dave got a train there and raced,then when the weather turned really nasty with litarely snow blizzards and freezing cold winds he rode to train station to get home again i passed dave down the road from hersden and he looked like he was fighting the elements good on ya dave the bmx bible thats f**kin enthusiasm for you poofy lot who stayed in the warm
Boring old argument about this but Dave is as Old Skool as anybody I know and because he has been a regular rider at our meetings for four years now we let him off Going past him on the A28 after racing, my heart went out to him. Hope you got home ok and that goes for evryone else today.TK
sounds like I missed a good day today. I got really pissed last night and tried to ride my bike home at 4am . I ended up falling off over someones garden wall and into a massive bush
Found this over on East Kent bmx site and had to post it .............................