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i've just secured what i keep telling myself is my last build, i have been thinking about selling up, but always have 2nd thoughts - and anyway the proceeds will be wasted on other things anyway, like bills and CC Overdrafts etc just feel its gone a bit stale at the moment....., still looking forward to MK and logging on the RAD for the banter !!Yes, also still refining and upgrading current builds Dan, and not going to go new school just yet Dingo ! But maybe a retro build........
i'm still trying to kick the addiction but cant .spread the word to get more folk involved .............so i can sell mine It looks like not many peeps have bought site supporter tag either
Thought i d lost interest , put me changa on the bay , looked at it and thought "thats mine " so pulled it and now loving it even more. You probably will get lows and highs , but when you look at the bikes u own , the individuallity and the knowledge that therse 20years+, and you ve put it together + makes me , anyway , have a big grin on me face , even if the next bloke to yours is better, in your eyes its
im sick to death of it all tbh, ebay, rad, everything....it stinksDave
I've still got another three old school bikes to complete plus I want to get my Pro Class 24 ready for the summer but I really can't be asked ... I just can't find the motivation for building anything BMX these days ... it's gone Steve