Just been scanning some old pics and thought I'd share a few..
Andy Irwin doing a demo at Mogil Motors, Stirling, as part of the Ford Roadshows

Neil Ruffell on the original Scotia 1/4 pipe, Meadowbank, practice at Scottish Freestyle Masters, 1985 I think. Neil won.

Myself on the same 1/4 pipe during a Scotia freestyle demo at Ingleston Exhibition Centre, 1985

Terry Jenkins aboard a chrome 1984 Haro Master, Meadowbank Scottish Freestyle Masters. Terry came 5th

Me on my '84 Haro Master, the day I got it. Was I happy??

Some Mongoose geezer. Bike rings a bell but I can't think of the name

Scottish Bike Show, Hamilton Civic Centre. Check out that crappy makeshift 1/4 pipe - Not much more than a few sheets of ply shoved up against a lamp-post!!

My first backyard 1/4 pipe, 1984

Same pipe from the back. I could only squeeze in 4 turns of the crank, the garden was so small, so getting air out the 8ft pipe was a bit of a challenge!

My last freestyle demo, Callander Games, 1991 - Note the campy Graphites, Diamond Back Turbo cranks and Hutch pedals