The only reason I thought it could be a 93 is after reading this on a US site regarding telling the ages of models from the frame rather than serial number etc…and its got upper and lower brake cable guides….It requires a 1 inch threaded fork so I assume that means its pre 95’ according to this?
'79-'84 = Loop tail
'85 on = built in seat clamp, non loop tail
mid '85 = straight chain stays (only one year before the change)
'86 on = curved chain stays
'90-'93 = lower Pitbull brake mount
'93 only = upper and lower brake cable guides
'94 on = canti or v brake mounts
'95 on = 1 1/8 threadless stem/headset
'98 on = 'SE' downtube decal instead of 'PK Ripper'
'99 = last year for US made products before sale to Fuji
