when i first left school in 1984 my first job was a mechanic for the local council, all the roughy heads worked their, and always told me to never volunteer for anything!
so which brings me to this thread headlining were i am volunteering (if the conditions are right) to offer my services at MK08.
I have been self employed now for several years now, doing S.M.A.R.T repairs for the motor trade and private customers too.
SMART is the trade name for a mobile car body repairs, i can get most repairs 99% perfect ,which is all the a body shop could offer you.I can repair vandle scratches, small bashes, scuffed and cracked bumpers, alloy wheel refurbs.
i can match over 50,000 colours, which i can do onsite,by computer(doesnt it sound technical),so you can guess that ive sprayed all my bikes with 2 pack paints which look brilliant when done carefully in the right conditions,as i am outside. I have also done friends bikes in pearl finishes as well.I also have a few candy shades as well.
So if their is enough interest at MK08, i will be in my van, i will bring with me a couple of my bikes to show, i am offering to basecoat and laquar anyones frame,forks and bars,as long as they have done all the prep work and have left is rubbed down in no courser than 400's to enable the basecoat to key. so if you fancy that murcielago orange or green on your bike then this could be your chance.
for me to be able to carry out this service i have a few conditions that must be met, first is the weather, its no use trying to get a perfect job done in the rain and wind, especialy if its dusty.
i will need a power point, as i dont carry a generater(no room in van) i will have to plug in somewhere or use someone elses generater.
if its a car colour you want me too match then i will need to have the paint code of the vehicle, pm me if your unsure were this may be.
now that volunteering bit, obviously the paint will cost me, so i will charge £20 for frame and forks, £25 if there are bars as well, and a donation to the site, so maybe £40 and £50 respectively.
remember all the conditions have to be met, i.e weather, power point, prep work. I will not be able to do prep work as time will not allow.
this job to me is a labour of love, so all the time needed will be spent to get a job done as perfect as possible, useing the best paints available.
if this is a shite idea let me know so i can forget about it and enjoy the weekend at MK08...thanks sam