Yes 100% straight up everything I say is true, got all my listing emails here all printed out, even replies from people saying they ain't interested in it because it wasn't an original (because I made it clear to them over email it wasn't as many were asking for GT stamps which it hasn't got as it was a replica!). Again it was clearly stated "REPLICA" but Paul Hopwood didn't care he just wanted it. He is certainly trying it on. I cannot stress enough that I am an honest person and if I do an auction I will make it clear of its condition and whether its real or not, otherwise it will only come back to bite me. How this has now I don't fookin know?

This guy clearly is taking the michael and someone is obviously asking him for money since he has defrauded them by selling it as a "real one" after I sold it on to him stated as a "replica". And because he has done this he deserves everything coming to him. My solicitor has all the details now and ebay has been contacted also and tomorrow they are phoning me to confirm everything and then i'll request a letter/fax from them regarding the auction.
Makes no odds whether he bought it outside of ebay (i.e. the auction ended due to nobody buying it and then he emailed me afterwards and paid through Paypal), what matters is how I stated it in the auction in the beginning and it was as:
Item Title: GT Pro Performer Replica Frame/Forks/Pro Neck Crank BMXI'll keep you posted on how this pans out....