to late to stop the auction, and he doesn't give a sh1t anyway.
he's now reported me to ebay. which will p1ss me off if my account get's suspended, i have 768 feedback.

you are a scammer. those aren't 1980 tyres, they 2008 from wilkinsons. you were even stupid enough to leave wilkos labels on them.
Baz the scamming runt:
im only going of what the person said that sold them to you said the labels are still on them so everybody can see.scammer? you prat if i was a so called scammer i would have removed the tags duuur.any way if i was a scammer i would have negative feedback like you have
you are a liar and a scammer. end of.
if you took the time to read my negative feedback you see why, one of them the person was completely happy but left neg by mistake and one was left in retaliation for neg i left. the other one was my fault, i sold a record, a double album and one was missing. I actually gave a refund but still got negged. when you get to 760 feedback like me then you talk.
don't call me a prat, that's a personal attack, I am not a prat, however you are selling 2008 tyres claiming they are 1980 which makes you a scammer and a liar FACT. trust me when the buyer gets them you'll have negative feedback.
Baz the scamming runt:
talk about personal attacks calling me a liar and a scammer.i told you why they where so called 80s,but you still have the nerve to send me crapy e mails.your mails have been forwarded to e bay,because they are offensive and not ever e mail me the way i have contacted the buyer and told him the situation and hes happy.
when asked not to contact you again, I couldn't resist, so here's another one.
1. calling you a liar is not a personal attack, it is a FACT, your listing states:
a: NOS, new old stock, which your item isn't, it's new.
b: 1980 which they aren't they are new, 2007/2008.
2: a scammer, because even when you knew the situation you didn't change your listing.
3: forwarding my emails to ebay will only incriminate you, not me. My emails to you deal in FACTS not personal attacks, you knew all along where those tyres came from and when.
I look forward to seeing your listings in the future. There is a whole old school BMX community out there watching for scammers, it's only because you hid the bidders id's that they weren't tipped off.
Please forward this one to ebay too.
fao of Ebay: please feel free to contact me by email or phone, the number which you have, to dicuss this matter. It's not good for buyers to be ripped off, it does the reputation of ebay no good at all.
well let's see what happens now. I'm almost tempted to open a 2 new ebay accounts and bid his dia compe caliper up to like £100 and never pay.