It seems the subject of International shipping comes up frequently on the US sites and there is much confusion surrounding it.
Here is how it works. Note that this is simple, fast and hassle free for the shipper.
Maybe this will make it easier for you guys to get stuff sent over the pond. good luck.
I'm using as an example, I don't work for them.

According to my mail carrier, the US Postal service has realized they have to compete in a global market if they wish to survive.
So they are going out of their way to make user-friendly and easy.
It is constantly evolving so what you may take as fact yesterday or last week, may not be true tomorrow.

Step 1:
Log into USPS.COM and select Print Shipping Label.
Any country you can imagine is available.
NOTE: enter the email address of the recipient and click the box for sending notification so they get confirmation of the shipment.

Step 2: enter your package size/weight, as prompted. Be cautious of package size since this can nearly double
the cost of shipping if you exceed the DIM standards listed below. When sending framesets/complete bikes make the package as compact
and small as possible.

Step3: Select your shipping costs

Step4: Customs declaration. This sounds scary but it is very quick and painless. Just be honest and precise.

You will be prompted to print the shipping label and customs pages which will add to 3 printouts.
These will be used in the "international customs envelope" provided by your mail carrier, if you don't have any on hand.
Step 5: Schedule the pickup which can happen directly from your home.
If you don't have the customs envelope, add a note here that you will need one. Your mail carrier will put your printouts in the envelope for you.

-->Use common sense and keep good communication between the shipper and buyer.
Some countries like the UK have "duty taxes" that the buyer will have to pay before they can pickup their package. For example, a $650 item to the UK will have a $180 duty that the buyer is required to pay.
All international items have to go through customs, so this means delays. sometimes very long delays.
My experience is that packages take 2-3 weeks to arrive. The buyer needs to fully accept this fact before doing business with the US.
If the buyer or seller seems like they are going to be hard to work with, then you can safely expect problems. avoid the transaction. bike stuff isn't that rare, yet, don't be compulsive.

If you need boxes, envelopes, customs forms brought directly to your house for free, they will accomodate.