Guys, just taken my Torker replica frame into this place in Epping just around the corner from me and they build wrought iron gates and do general welding stuff and I needed some bits sorted before its powdered. Once I dropped that off and went back home to get my Haro Gen 1 as it has a few areas on it that needs plugging i.e. dents that need filling etc.. before I get it rechromed later this month. Anyway when I returned I was chatting to the younger guy of the two about bikes (his my age 34) and he said they once had a client in Scotland in the 90's that had probably 300-400 bmx frames... all for scrap!
This guy in Scotland apprantly used to take them, cut them up and convert some of them into strange bikes for foreign countries as well as sleigh rides for Huskies in Iceland!

Anyway I said "
did you see any makes i'd know of" and then this guy started reeling out names that made me feel pretty sick in the stomach. Haro's, Mongoose's, GT's, Raleigh's, Falcon's, Ammaco's etc... and what made matters worse, when he see the Gen 1 he goes "I think I see the odd one of them there actually as the stickers look familar"

Turns out this guy in the welding place in Epping used to ride a little bit BITD and knew about his bikes a little. He did say that there was a few Haros of all sorts (white ones he said) but mainly Mongoose's there. He remembers (and the other guy did also) a huge bundle of Mongoose BMX frames and forks. I asked how many they thought were there just of Gooses and they reckoned about 200 if not more. I asked him if these bikes were 80's or 90's bikes and he said they were mixed, some unrepairable and all sorts of colours etc.. he also said that this guy had some racers, mountain bikes and little kids bikes there also all for scrap and parts to be converted, but said that BMX's were the ideal size for this Huskie thing so they used to get used more

Anyway he was chuffed to have seen the Gen 1. They certainly know what they are doing so I'm confident they will look after it and repair the small areas well. Before I left, I did ask if that guy is still cutting up stuff in Scotland (as I was thinking he might have a stash somewhere) but he said that in early 2000 he sold out and is now living abroad. Bugger!