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Author Topic: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 01/03/2008  (Read 167761 times)

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BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 01/03/2008
« on: February 03, 2008, 08:01 PM »
Old School BMX Magazine/Books Scans

Files can be Downloaded at

The host for the scans is restricted to 20GB download limit a month.
Once this limit is reached you wont be able to download anything until the next month starts.

10/03/2008 - Downloaded 10GB out of 20GB after 10 Days.  Half way there!!!

Files can also be Downloaded at
This NEW website is not fully working yet.   You can use it to download but you will be better off using the other site for the moment.  Once this website is completed, there will be no download limits, so it will work all the time.

For Freestyle Trick How-To's without trawling through all the Magazines+books then follow this link :-

All updates will appear here!!!

I have added an "Archive - Knowledge Base" Section which will have the following Sections.
Adverts   Advertisements (what else did you think it would be!!)
Bike & Product Tests   Bike & Product Tests from the Mags I have uploaded
How To Freestyle A-Z   Tricks from the scans I have uploaded
Interviews & Articles   Interviews & Articles
Maintenance & Repair   Bike Repair/Building etc, etc
Ramp Construction   Anything to with ramp building
These may be of help to people or not.

Latest Scans
Uploaded 04/03/2008 BMX Bi-Weekly Volume 3 Issue 11 by kdw712 GT Pro Test
Uploaded 01/03/2008 BMX Biker Monthly No08
Uploaded 01/03/2008 BMX Biker Monthly No09
Uploaded 01/03/2008 BMX Biker Monthly No10 Ammaco Koolstyler Test
Uploaded 01/03/2008 BMX Biker Monthly No11
Uploaded 01/03/2008 BMX Biker Monthly No12
Uploaded 01/03/2008 BMX Weekly Volume 1 Issue 02 by kdw712
Uploaded 01/03/2008 BMX Weekly Volume 1 Issue 16 by kdw712
Uploaded 01/03/2008 BMX Bi-Weekly Volume 4 Issue 15 (Incomplete)
Uploaded 01/03/2008 BMX Bi-Weekly Volume 4 Issue 17 (Incomplete) Procraft Jnr Test
Uploaded 01/03/2008 BMX Racer & Freestyle 1984-08 (Aug) Wheels Project Team & Curtis Freestyler Tests
Uploaded 01/03/2008 BMX Racer & Freestyle 1984-10 (Oct) Scorpion ZX3000 & Navajo Pro Chief Tests
Uploaded 01/03/2008 BMX Racer & Freestyle 1984-11 (Nov) CW 3000 Pistol Pete Test
Uploaded 01/03/2008 BMX Racer & Freestyle 1984-12 (Dec) Robinson RSR Pro Test
Uploaded 01/03/2008 BMX Racer & Freestyle 1985-02 (Feb) CW Freestyler & MRD Mini
Uploaded 01/03/2008 BMX Racer & Freestyle 1985-03 (Mar) Pit Bike Madness
Uploaded 01/03/2008 BMX Racer & Freestyle 1985-04 (Apr) Vincent Freestyler & Free Agent Mini
Uploaded 01/03/2008 BMX Racer & Freestyle 1985-05 (May) MRD Freestyler Test with Neil Stevens
Uploaded 01/03/2008 BMX Racer & Freestyle 1985-09 (Sept) European Championships
Uploaded 01/03/2008 BMX Racer & Freestyle 1985-11 (Nov)
Uploaded 01/03/2008 Freestyle BMX Volume 1 Issue 02 (Incomplete) by kdw712 CW Pit Bike Test
Uploaded 01/03/2008 Freestyle BMX Volume 1 Issue 04 (Incomplete) by kdw712 Vincent Freestyler Frame
Uploaded 01/03/2008 Freestyle BMX Volume 1 Issue 08 by kdw712  Free Agent Freeflite Freestyler Test
Uploaded 01/03/2008 Freestyle BMX Volume 1 Issue 10 by kdw712 Vincent Freestyler Test
Uploaded 01/03/2008 Freestyle BMX Volume 1 Issue 24 (Incomplete) Haro Master 2 Test & Wheel Dance Trick by Macky
Uploaded 01/03/2008 Freestyle BMX Volume 1 Issue 27 (Incomplete) CW California Flyer

Uploaded Scans
Uploaded 03/02/2008   Freestyle BMX Volume 1 Issue 03 TRM Freestyler Test
Uploaded 03/02/2008   Freestyle BMX Volume 1 Issue 06 GT Performer Test
Uploaded 03/02/2008   Freestyle BMX Volume 1 Issue 07 Curtis Freestyler Test
Uploaded 03/02/2008   Freestyle BMX Volume 1 Issue 09 Rickman Freestyler
Uploaded 03/02/2008   Freestyle BMX Volume 1 Issue 14 VDC Freestyler Test
Uploaded 03/02/2008   Freestyle BMX Volume 1 Issue 15 Scorpion ZF100 Brakedancer Test
Uploaded 03/02/2008   Freestyle BMX Volume 1 Issue 20 Acorn Freestyler Test
Uploaded 03/02/2008   Freestyle BMX Volume 1 Issue 22 GT Performer World Tour Test
Uploaded 03/02/2008   Freestyle BMX Volume 1 Issue 23 CW California Freestyle Test
Uploaded 03/02/2008   Freestyle BMX Volume 1 Issue 25 Haro Group 1 & March Freestyler Test
Uploaded 03/02/2008   Freestyle BMX Volume 1 Issue 26 Skyway Streetstyler Test
Uploaded 03/02/2008   Freestyle BMX Volume 1 Issue 28 Mongoose Californian
Uploaded 03/02/2008   Freestyle BMX Volume 1 Issue 29 Powerlite Test
Uploaded 03/02/2008   Freestyle BMX Volume 1 Issue 30 Freeway Fanatic Test
Uploaded 03/02/2008   Freestyle BMX Volume 1 Issue 31 Skyway Streetbeat
Uploaded 31/01/2008   BMX by Dave Spurdens (1983) Everything you need to know. Nuff said!!
Uploaded 31/01/2008   Freestyle BMX by Dave Spurdens (1984)   For All you tricksters
Uploaded 31/01/2008   BMX Bi-Weekly Vol3 Issue 03  How to do a Curb Endo 
Uploaded 31/01/2008   Raleigh BMX Annual (1985) For all you Burner lovers!
Uploaded 29/01/2008   BMX Bi-Weekly Volume 3 Issue 04  - Kuwahara E.T. Test & How To Bunny Hop
Uploaded 29/01/2008   BMX Biker Monthly No. 7 (1984)  How To Back Hop
Uploaded 29/01/2008   BMX Racer & Freestyle  September 1984 Kuwahara Nova Test & Glynn Lewis
Uploaded 29/01/2008   BMX Action Bike No. 04 (Oct 82) Kuwahara KZ-1 Test & How to Bunny Hop
Uploaded 29/01/2008   Freestyle BMX Volume 1 Issue 1 Ammaco Freestyler Test & Build a Trick Ramp
Uploaded 27/01/2008   BMX Freestylin' featuring BMX Action Trick Team (1982)  (162 Pages of Old School Freestyling How To's)
Uploaded 26/01/2008   BMX Racing Fever - Mike Poulson (1981)
Uploaded 26/01/2008   How To Fix Your BMX Bicycle By Helen Garvy (1979)
Uploaded 26/01/2008   101 Freestyle Trix Part 2 - Psycho Version (1988)
Uploaded 26/01/2008   Ramp Plans - Thrasher (2000)
Uploaded 26/01/2008   Freestyling by Freestylin' Magazine (1987)
Uploaded 26/01/2008   BMX Plus (August 1984) SE Quadangle + Kuwahara Lazer Lite Tests
Uploaded 25/01/2008   101 Freestyle Tricks (1987).pdf
Uploaded 25/01/2008   BMX - A Photo Fact Book (1987).pdf
Uploaded 25/01/2008   BMX - Know The Game by Ken Evans (1985).pdf
Uploaded 25/01/2008   BMX Action Hot Shots (1984).pdf
Uploaded 25/01/2008   BMX Bi-Weekly Volume 3 Issue 05.pdf
Uploaded 25/01/2008   BMX Bi-Weekly Volume 3 Issue 13.pdf SE Quadangle Test
Uploaded 25/01/2008   BMX By Mark Peters (1983).pdf
Uploaded 25/01/2008   BMX Moves (1987).pdf
Uploaded 25/01/2008   Bob Haro - Freestyle Moves.pdf
Uploaded 25/01/2008   Official Rulebook 1977 (IBMX).pdf


All Scans are 300dpi x 300dpi using an A3 Scanner and converted to PDF.

Not yet Scanned :-
BMX by Mark Peters
BMX 1985 Annual
BMX 1986 Annual
BMX 1987 Annual
BMX Action Bike Book
BMX Ammaco No.1 Team - Ken Evans
BMX Freestyle - Larry Dane Brimner
BMX From Start To Finish - Andy Ruffell with Ken Evans
BMX Racing - Bill Gutman
BMX Special Annual - John Kercher
BMX Tricks, Games & Competitions - Geoff Wiles
BMX's Supercharged
Dirt Bike Racing - D.J. Herda
Freestylin' II The Book By Lew & Gork
Puffin BMX Handbook
Stu Thomsen's BMX - Stu Thomsen with Bob Hadley
The BMX Handbook by Dave Spurdens (1987)
The Complete Book Of Bicycle Motocross by Don Smith (Haynes)
The Complete Book Of BMX by Don Smith (Same as Above with Different Cover)
The Complete Book Of BMX by Bob Osborn
The Tim March BMX Book
Greg Hill's Professional BMX Skills
BMX Bi Weekly Vol 3 issues 3-5, 13, 14, 16-24
BMX Bi Weekly Vol 4 issues 2-4, 11-25
BMX Bi Weekly Vol 5 issues 1-24
BMX Action Bike 4-7, 12-14, 17, 18 ,21-55
Various  BMX Racer+Freestyle, Freestyle BMX, BMX Plus, Super BMX, BMX Action, Freestylin' and Freestyle Spectacular.

« Last Edit: March 10, 2008, 07:13 PM by moley »


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Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2008, 08:07 PM »
Thanks to kdw712 for answering my call for Freestyle BMX magazines.

The rest of you should be ashamed of yourselves.  Hang your heads the lot of you.

I have no more Freestyle BMX magazines.  So thats it until kdw712 scans a few of his Freestyle BMX mags.

If we can get a full set together.  Then the whole community benefits.

It makes me wonder why I bother.  Maybe I should just give up and keep my collection to myself like a sad old f@!?er!!!

Offline MartyC

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Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2008, 08:20 PM »
Thanks to kdw712 for answering my call for Freestyle BMX magazines.

The rest of you should be ashamed of yourselves.  Hang your heads the lot of you.

I have no more Freestyle BMX magazines.  So thats it until kdw712 scans a few of his Freestyle BMX mags.

If we can get a full set together.  Then the whole community benefits.

It makes me wonder why I bother.  Maybe I should just give up and keep my collection to myself like a sad old f@!?er!!!

Hey, don't feel that way - your efforts are greatly appreciated by those of us who no longer have hard copies of our old mags  :daumenhoch:.

I had every BMX Plus from 1979 through to 1987 and the same for BMX Action plus heaps of BMX Action Bike's and Bi-Weekly etc.  I had them stored at a mates and he "accidently" threw them out when clearing his loft out; I was not happy  :knuppel2:.

BUT, please keep at it guys like you and JohnnyRingo ( help us all out and it's appreciated  :daumenhoch:.

Better to crash and burn than fade away


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Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2008, 08:23 PM »
Thanks MartyC, at least someone cares!

If only everyone can be as thoughtful and kind as you.  You've really cheered me up!!


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Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2008, 08:55 PM »
If your looking for Freestyle Tricks How-To's.   

There all pictures scans with over 250 tricks. 

Each trick is individually named and can be downloaded 1 at a time as a jpeg.

Anyway, if your interested, they can be downloaded using this direct link

« Last Edit: February 03, 2008, 11:17 PM by moley »


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Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2008, 11:02 AM »
These are brilliant, haven't found the Freestyle BMX mag I had one of my pictures in, but I'm sure I'll find it eventually.

Mr ALex Leech appears to have come second in B group of Mons Jame in issue 20, 1 place ahead of Randy Sohara[sic]

Offline Stodgy

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Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2008, 08:39 PM »
Nice one Moley - it is appreciated mate. Loads of work scanning all that lot in.

Consider it stickied.


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Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2008, 08:21 AM »
Thanks Stodgy.

It looks like the download limit will be reached well before the end of the month, so people wont be able to download once the limit is reached.

I'll keep scanning stuff and upload it at the beginning of next month when the download limit resets itself.

After a few months when most people have downloaded everything, the amount being downloaded should drop (hopefully)
and everyone should be able to download throughout the month.  All hardcore downloaders should already have downloaded everything by then, just most people downloading the updates.

The download site is charging £53.00 a year for this service.  The FREE service was a bit crap and only allowed 5GB of monthly downloads against the 20GB monthly download allowance plus it got rid of the adverts etc, etc.

If anyone knows of a better site to store my files, then let me know?   

I am stripping trick, adverts, repair advice, etc, etc from my scans.   All this stuff might come in useful if someone wants to make an Old School BMX website and use it a Knowledge Base for the community to help identifying parts, repairing, Bike tests, tricks etc, etc.

Thanks for the support!

Offline Brandy Truffle

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Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2008, 03:21 PM »
Get yourself a Rapidshare account then upload them there. People can download them as many times as they like no limits and they stay online until you delete them or until 6 months no activity. Saves all this download limit crap.

All my music is stored there,i may have a free account spare(as you earn points) so i'll check and see. :daumenhoch:
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 03:42 PM by Brandy Truffle »


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Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2008, 12:26 AM »
Already paid for a year using this site, so I'll stick with it.   I quite like the format.  Its quite easy to download and to find stuff.  It cost £53 and is worth it just for its clean lines and ad-less appearance.  Just the download limit is a bit small.

Traffic should slow up after this month.   I have downloaded alot during the last week but only because I've been skiving off work all week with man flu.    Felt crappy throughout but still had the strength to turn a few pages and press a few buttons.   

Had a look at rapidshare and it states 1 download at a time (not parallel users) and that download bandwidth is limited but doesn't say how much.

Also states that if a file isn't downloaded after 90 days it gets deleted.   Not much use if your trying to create a knowledge base that someone someday just might want to check out a book or magazine and find out its missing because no-one has used it in a while.

Also had a look at filefront and a few others.  I Just don't like the look of them even though I know they do their job well.

Once everything is scanned and hopefully with the help of this community in locating any missing magazines to complete the collection, then all of this info is available to this community.  It's FREE.  You can do what you like with it. 

If anyone wants to host these files then please upload them to your download sites, I really don't mind.  I'm not possessive about my scans, they're Public Domain now, the way they should be.  Just tell me the link and I'll edit this Topic to include your link.   Then when mine goes down, people can use yours.

These scans are to aid the BMX Community.  This info could help a lot of people identifying parts or specifications of bikes for restoring or repair,  even just reading a few mags has jogged my memory. A bit of nostalgia goes a long way.   I couldn't remember what my old pedals were.  I knew they were graphite something or other.   Eventually realised they were MKS Grafight-X's.  If anyone has a pair in good condition, I'd love to buy them.

Just have to pluck up the courage to go out on my BMX.  People around here might think I'm a kiddie-botherer going around on "KIDS BIKE" at my age.  Might have to borrow one of my mates kid's to pretend his mine, so that the local youth don't cave my head in when I go down to my local skatepark (well, if you can call it a skatepark).

If I can get into shape,  I might even attempt some OS Racing.  Now that would be a sight!

Thanks for your help Brandy Truffle, it's appreciated.

Offline hunterdubber

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Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2008, 12:39 AM »
This download site is excellent Ian  :4_17_5:
 Keep em coming  ;)

That flu can be bad to shake off  :(
so take some more time off and upload to keep yourself occupied ,whilst recovering  ;)  ;D

Doctor's orders  :)
« Last Edit: February 06, 2008, 12:45 AM by Hunterdubber »

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Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2008, 12:46 AM »
How is it possible for someone to upload or send scans to you or the site Ian?


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Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2008, 01:03 AM »
Hope you dont stop uploading and i hope you feel appreciated - i know i do really appreciate your efforts - brings back so many memory's - thanks again mate - i know i couldn't even afford to go out a buy the mags and books you have uploaded so a big thank you from me  :4_17_5: :daumenhoch:


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Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2008, 09:03 AM »
I bought an A3 Scanner after Christmas.   A Mustek 1200dpi one at £100.

My old scanner was too crappy and the lid wouldn't remove to make it easier for books or awkward scans.

I did a lot of experimenting.   Found that 300 DPI gave me the best results Vs time and effort.

kdw712 scanned Freestyle BMX Vol1 Issue 2 at the weekend for me.  His scan was 700 DPI and should have been 4 times the resolution of my scans and 4 times better quality then my scans, but he rescaled the image and saved it as a JPEG.   His original scan was probably saved as a JPEG.  The end result looked okay when I first viewed it at work but when I got home and inspected it, it wasn't as good as I first imagined.

I hope I haven't put him off.  I will not be able to make a complete collection of mags and books without his and other people's help.  kdw712 has been the only person apart from hunterdubber today who has made an effort to help with this project.

After my expermentation this is what I have found.

All Scans in 300DPI.   (700DPI isn't needed and the difference between the two didn't justify using it). 
When you do your original scan, save in a lossless format.   I use .BMP.   That way you can rotate, cut and paste and know that you won't destroy the quality of the original scan.   JPEG's are lossy. They are a compression technique.   They may look the same as you original image but they are NOT.   

When you a happy with what you have.  Convert to JPEG but keep the original image (in case the conversion to JPEG is crap).

Never ever RESCALE the image.  If you scan in 300dpi and the resolution of your image is for example w=3000 & h=6000.  When you rescale the image to w=1500 & h=3000 you have just converted your image to 150DPI.   You would have got a better image if you just scanned in 150DPI.

JPEG's are CRAP.   They are lossy.   ONLY convert to JPEG as a Final Step after you are completely happy with the original scan.   Convert to JPEG and check the quality.  If its not so good then change the properties of the JPEG's compression until the JPEG closely matches the original scan.   You should be able to zoom in on small text and still read it.

If you convert to JPEG.  Rotate it, perform contrast enhancing techniques, rotate it again.   You end up compounding  errors into the image.  JPEG's are only an aproximation of the original image using compression techniques.  Doing anything to JPEGs, will gradually destroy the quality of the image over time.

I personnally don't perform any enhancing techniques on my images.   What you see is what you get.

I scan in .BMP.   I rotate the image if needed. I crop the image if needed. Thats it.
Once I have scanned a full mag/book, I then convert to PDF.   The PDF program then uses its own compression techniques to shrink down the images.   But it never RESCALES the image, it only shrinks the file size.

A PDF of BMP produces a smaller PDF then when I PDF a JPEG of the same image.    You might wonder why.  Its because the .BMP is a cleaner image.  The white is white and the black is black.   The JPEG isn't as white and black.   When it PDF's the JPEG it has to decompress the image and then recompress the image and all the aproximation errors built into it.   Thats why it can't make a smaller file size than the .BMP.   Its hard trying to compress an image that isn't as pure as the original due to the NOISE and Artifacts built into the image when its been compressed.

If you view my scans you should be able to read all the text of those crappy small shop adverts in the mags.  Use the Zoom function.  As this hopefully going to be the definitive Old School UK BMX Collection, everything must be readable.   If you notice any pages that aren't readable in my scans or any errors then please point them out to me.   Most the the scans I only skimmed through.

I hope I haven't put kdw712 off by being so critical over his scans.   This is a big project and I do need help.   I am also missing quite a few magazines as well.   I think I have most books though.

If anyone has any scans then please PM me and we'll sort it out.   Don't scan a full mag without checking the quality first.  you might be wasting your time.

A magazine with 32 Pages = 800 MB in .BMP format

To help everyone here are 2 TEST images for you to download and check out.

An A4 size .BMP is width =2478, Height= 3505 (pixels) at 300 DPI @ A4 size

heres a link to the RAR file of the original TEST .BMP

heres the link to the Jpeg file of the original BMP.  (No rescaling)

Thanks for the interest.

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Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2008, 09:14 AM »
I hope I haven't put kdw712 off by being so critical over his scans.   This is a big project and I do need help.   I am also missing quite a few magazines as well. 

nope just needed to tweak the settings and we're flying now  :daumenhoch:

i can put something back to site / hobby this way  ;)
cheers Kev
{ wanted : "Red Haro Handle" brake lever link to my trade post }


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Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2008, 06:11 PM »
I've found this website :
The problem is you can't download the files but the magazines are fast and easy to read (try the full screen button)

Moley, the links to your Freestyle BMX magazines are on 23mag. It allows anyone to see the cover and contents before downloading :

Offline Glynnyboy

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Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2008, 05:51 PM »
Hi Moley, I just downloaded a couple of your mags for referance and found them invaluable. What you have done is fantastic for the hobby and it's thanks to guys like you and guys that run sites like this that this hobby can exist and grow. What you have done is very appreciated and has made things a lot more interesting with that amount of information available for everybody to use. Great job mate and thanks :coolsmiley:


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Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2008, 11:05 PM »
Thanks Glynnyboy.

I will be uploading more scans at the end of the month.

I will be uploading the rest of the BMX Biker Monthly's bringing the total to 6

I will be uploading the rest of my BMX Racer & Freestyle's bringing the total to 16

Also more scans of Bike Tests, Freestyle trick How-To's, Articles etc, etc.

The Download limit is at 18.15GB out of 20GB. So there is only 1.85GB left before you won't be able to download anything.  The site will probably stop this weekend.

Don't worry the download limit resets on the 1st of each month.  That's why I'm only going to do my uploads to the site at the end of each month, just in time for the reset.

About 260 people have download Freestyle BMX Volume 1 Issue 1.   About 180 of them in the last 2 days.   It's a going a bit mental. Must be traffic from 23mag.

kdw712 is scanning another 4 Freestyle BMX mags and 6 BMX Racer & Freestyle mags.    Hopefully those will be done by the end of the month and I can get them all uploaded in time for the reset.

That's it then for those 3 Magazines.   BMX Biker Monthly, Freestyle BMX and BMX Racer & Freestyle.   If we can't find any more of these magazines to scan then they will remain incomplete.   If anyone has any issues then LMK.   It doesn't matter if pages are missing.  If we haven't got a scan of the mag, it is still better than nothing.

It is a possibilty that a complete set of these 3 magazines might not exist, but I doubt it.  Somebody somewhere must have them.   Don't be shy, you can have them back as soon as they're scanned.

Once all this info is collected it should be a great help to the OS BMX Community.

If anyone want to help scan some mags then I'd appreciate it.

Remember all updates will be shown in the first message of this topic NOT the last.   I will post another message in this topic directing people to it, as a reminder.

« Last Edit: February 15, 2008, 11:12 PM by moley »


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Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2008, 08:43 PM »
No more downloads from until the beginning of next month (01/03/2008).

I have found a web host and I am trying to start my own webpage to host these files etc, etc.

It might take a while because I have never done this before.  I have a total for 5 hours experience now.  And for the first 4.5 hours I couldn't get it to do anything.

Anyway, once it is done, I can kick this download site and host everything on my website.    No worries about storage space limits and no download limits either.

Its pretty cheap at around £30 a year.

It can also host multiple domains, so I can put other peoples websites on my sites.   Not quite sure how to do that put I might buy a domain name and try it out and see if it works.  Domains are cheap.  About £3-4 a year.  And then transfer it to my site!!!

I'll figure it out, how hard can it be!!!!!!!!!


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Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2008, 09:08 AM »
ever thought about packaging the whole lot into a torrent, then everyone shares the bandwidth?


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Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2008, 07:26 PM »
I hate file sharers.  I always use newsgroups for downloading my 100000000000% LEGAL films and games.

This problem is nearly solved.   

I have a new website and I am uploading everything now.   I have always wanted to do my own website so it will give me good experience.   

The only trouble is I have never designed a website before.   I only started on sunday night and I have never even touched HTML before.

I used to program in PC Assembler, 68000 for Amiga, BASIC, COBOL, PASCAL and a little bit of C & C++.   I haven't even touched a HTML book yet.

The site has only just propagated through the web.  So its only just come on line but some people might still have trouble for the next day or so.

And I have stuck a test webpage on it to see if its working.

It might take a while before anyone can download from it.   But when its finished it will never have any download problems.

I can also add other websites to it as well.    Buy a domain name and I'll host it.

So if anyone wants a host with Unlimited storage and Unlimited Downloads then I should be able to accommodate you.   I can also store videos etc, etc.

If you want to have a look at the new site then look here.

It is no where near finished.   It is also very white.  I just knocked it up quickly to make sure MS Frontpage was working and the website was working.   It took a couple of days before it was fully up and running, so I have only just been able to get it up.

Once all my pdf's have been uploaded to the new site.   I will have a go at try to download stuff.   I don't know how yet as I haven't got that far.  I have just downloaded a few HTML books and I will read them to try and figure out what the hell I'm doing.   Once downloading can be accomplished I will tart up my website and make look more appealing and less like a blank piece of paper.

If anyone out there likes Computer art or has any good BMX logos etc, etc then LMK.

Hopefully the learning curve isn't too steep and I can get my new download site fully operational within a couple of weeks

I also wanted to try the facilty to host other websites at my domain so I also bought the domain for £6 for 2 years from on Monday night.

I changed the nameservers to my domain and have hosted this site to see that this facility works.  It only just came on line today so I knocked up a quick webpage to see if it worked.   I thought a good OSS racing results webpage was a good idea and might help promote Old School Racing.   If you get dads involved you might get the youngsters involved and that can only be good for BMX.     

I hope nobody at RADBMX minds this.  I dont want to stick my nose somewhere where its not wanted.  I'm a bit eager at the moment because I'm enjoying myself.  I feel like a kid again.   Please, don't think I'm trying to out-muscle RADBMX or trying to steal members or sh't like that.  Far from it.   This forum is great but I have noticed that forums are not ideal in the way they display information.   i.e. Threads are good for forums but not necessarliy for displaying results, etc, etc.   It is fine if people who know where to look but any newbies might find it hard.   The other plus side is that another website might influence the search engines and also might get a few more people interested in BMX.   With the olympics coming up, I think a good push might see it back up there with the 80's in terms of popularity (we can only hope).    I was thinking that a dedicated website for Old School Racing linked into the OSS Forum with all the results from the start and continuing on from now.   A list of BMX Tracks and Details.    The Official Rules etc, etc.

Also, If any BMX Clubs haven't got there own website, I would be willing to stick one on my domain for FREE.  I wouldn't be able to design it though.  I think I have enough with my own website for at least a while anyway.

The webpage for the OSS Racing is functional but bland.   The 'FAKE' Results pages are just to give an idea of what they could look like using an excel spreadsheet saved off as HTML.   

I am quite good at MS Excel and Access so I don't mind doing the results if someone PMed them to me.  All I would need is the results of each race.  Anyway you can view it here and give some feedback.

I would easily be able to design a  spreadsheet or database which will automatically update the results.   Its just a case of saving as HTML and uploading to the website and also designing the website which shows them.

If the powers that be think I have overstepped a boundary or two and they want to slap me down, then fair do's.   I'm not trying to make enemies here, I'm just trying to add to the RADBMX experience and try and promote BMX. 

I will be taking part in the OSS Racing, so I will need a good results page to display my name when I finish in a higher place than dibly!  Just Kidding Dibly!!

Anyway thats it

I will now wait for the criticism to roll in and my head to roll.



I will copy most this message and stick it into the BMX Chat Forum, so that it will get noticed.

and will be downloadable again from the 1st March 2008.


  • Guest
Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2008, 11:38 PM »
Why should anybody criticize you???   You'll be providing a service which I think a lot of people will find very useful.  I have a stack of good looking website templates that you can use if your interested.  I'd be happy to donate some stuff depending on what you need or can use. 




  • Guest
Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2008, 12:07 AM »
Thanks Johnnyringo.

I could use all the help I can get.    This website stuff is doing my head in already.

Any templates would be appreciated.   My site is linux system.   It was the cheaper option at £4.95 per month from  It seemed a good deal.
Maybe upgrading to a windows system would be better but I thought I'd start with this and upgrade later if needed

I'm trying to get FTP up on my site so that at least people can download the files while I build my website, but I haven't figured it out how to do it yet.

I dont quite understand all the terminology etc, etc

Most of my files have uploaded now so if I can figure it out then we'll be operational again.



  • Guest
Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2008, 04:29 PM »
Moley, HTML is HTML, doesn't matter what system it's hosted on really.

I'd steer clear of Frontpage, if you're a coder, learn do it in notepad it's really not that hard.

If you're uploading the stuff to a folder, as long as there is no index.html page in there, it should just list the files when you hit it with a browser, no need for FTP.

i.e. htttp://

PM me if you need any help, been writing websites for 12+ years


  • Guest
Re: BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 03/02/2008
« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2008, 11:54 PM »
Cheers mate,

I dont know HTML at all.   I managed to get FTP up and running on it today but then it stopped and my directories got f?cked up.

Even I'm blocked out.  All my content is up.  If they have to reset eveything then it might take a couple of days to upload everything again.

I'm just waiting to see if they can sort it out.   Also they said the site might be down today for maintenance due to a new cable going in.  So I dont know whether I messed up of they did.

Any help mate would be appreciated.   


RADBMX.CO.UK  |  Old School BMX 1980 - 1988  |  Old School Freestyle (frame stands and kickturns galore!)  |  BMX-ReCollection Scans. New Updates available 01/03/2008

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