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Author Topic: a point of view by cbcl - the skatepark etiquette for rad  (Read 1342 times)

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Offline aerostylie

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Re: a point of view by cbcl - the skatepark etiquette for rad
« Reply #25 on: January 27, 2008, 12:49 PM »
Great post CBCL, nicely put and great encouragement for us lesser mortals :daumenhoch:

In the past I've watched experienced riders blasting the parks, and thought, well I ain't gonna do a roll back cos that's crap in comparison. However having attended quite a few Rad meets and gained a bit of confidence,  I don't mind how my riding is percieved as I now go out, enjoy myself doing my own thing, after all we're all individual and all have something different to offer.

Watching the experienced riders is real blast, there was some awe inspiring riding at the Crimbo meet at Creation I recall and I'll be looking forward to watching and taking part with one and all at the Feb meet whatever the level :daumenhoch:

And since finding this site, I've learnt more from other riders than I ever did bitd, peeps are well cool on here 8)

Paul :)

Vans Style

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