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Author Topic: Have you ever quit riding?  (Read 9625 times)

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Offline TwoBobRob

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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #25 on: January 25, 2008, 08:23 PM »
DJ - you old romantic.  Your story brought a tear to my eye.........  :LolLolLolLol:


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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #26 on: January 25, 2008, 08:52 PM »
Alright,here's my go.Like most kids in the late 70's early 80's I had a bike with cowhorn bars and a massive cog on the back so you pedal like mad and go knowhere.Had a Grifter that morphed into a bmx copy.Then my dad made me a Torker replica frame which I built into a bike.Believe it or not,but that got stolen outside a Halfords in Coventry while I was trying to shoplift inside! The thieving gits! Then went thro several bikes (mongoose,kuwahara,diamondback) until I bought a Haro frame and forks for £185 (in 1983 ish).Rode 1/4 pipes for a while then in 1984 I started working and bought a Honda MTX 125, which is where the bmx took a back seat.Soon after that I got a car with a CB radio- which I swapped the bmx for (doh!).I must have been interested in bmx later on 'cause I found some BMX plus mags in parents loft from 1991/2.
  Anyhow,life went by, until a friend of mine metioned this site and bought a bmx off ebay.I looked at it and just thought,I want one.So far I'm on my 10th bike in 10 months and ride every week at creation.Absolutly love it.I was 40 a few weeks ago but couldn't give a toss.My mates all do football but this is my bag,and I 'aint gonna stop.   


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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #27 on: January 25, 2008, 09:47 PM »
I had bikes from an early age, most like the pavemaster and the raleigh cobra long lost in the mists of time.  When I was cycling I was free, go wherever and do whatever I wanted...
In the early 70's my friends and myself gravitated into the supermoped boom, riding fs1e's, ss50's, ap50's, fantics and the like.  About 2 years ago I began to restore a Mk2 Raleigh chopper for cruising...then got into BMX...I'll probably never do fantastic tricks, but there's just something about BMX and particularly old school that's just addictive...I think I'll always have a bike now  :daumenhoch:


welsh denny

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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #28 on: January 25, 2008, 09:51 PM »
not quite sure when i got my first bmx, think it was 82/83 (raleigh extra burner). wanted a bmx but couldn't have one as i had a commando (remember them- in army finish paint job) but managed to snap the forks jumping. had to wait a while but got the burner and never looked back. rode around  on it as it was 'popular' back then but fully got into riding freestyle in 84 with the kelloggs, bmx action bike, bmx beat, etc. had short layoff's with injuries over the years but bmx is still a very dominant part of my life, one that outsiders just can't comprehend sometimes. with some of the more serious injuries i thought thats it now , leave the bikes alone.
tried, failed. not a day goes by that i don't think of riding or bmx in some form or another. photographing and filming also involve riding so that still keeps me 'into it' when injured etc. riding freestyle now for 24 years and still going strong- will admit havn't ridden since november but been busy with work etc, first old school build coming along, building up new ride and had to weld lugs , guides on etc  so just deciding on colour and i'm back in the saddle for 08.

keyhole kid

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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #29 on: January 25, 2008, 10:12 PM »
began riding at southsea in 84 gave up in 87 as bmx went as dead as a dodo down southsea ... took up plank pushing on the vert and totally gave up in 88..... didnt do anything bar work , clubbing ,girls etc  then in 05 began to ride again. did ok but now due to recurring injuries i have decided to call it a day.... love the sport but i think its now time for me to just watch.........  :'(

Offline billstup

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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #30 on: January 25, 2008, 10:24 PM »
Thats a shame Mark, what is the injury ?
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Offline dirtyvans

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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #31 on: January 25, 2008, 10:30 PM »
yeah mark, dont pack it in just yet, think off all the fun we've had on the road trips, maybe you should just concentrate on your air variations as they were nice and smooth - forget learning tailwhips!

keyhole kid

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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #32 on: January 25, 2008, 10:31 PM »
shoulders bill... i think they said its my rotator cuffs would that be right.?....... im in pain most nights maybe another 19 year break will help....

Offline billstup

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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #33 on: January 25, 2008, 10:37 PM »
shoulders bill... i think they said its my rotator cuffs would that be right.?....... im in pain most nights maybe another 19 year break will help....

Thats because your working 24/7 Mark, ease off the work and ride more  :daumenhoch:
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Offline Dingobmxer

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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #34 on: January 25, 2008, 10:47 PM »
shoulders bill... i think they said its my rotator cuffs would that be right.?....... im in pain most nights maybe another 19 year break will help....

Mark there is a really easy/light exercise that will sort your rotator cuff out  :daumenhoch:

dont give up hope yet

 :) DINGO :)


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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #35 on: January 25, 2008, 10:51 PM »
I bought an S&M Holmes from custom riders, which then got upgraded to a Standard Bicycle Moto Cross.

Watch it!  :knuppel2: :police:

Offline dirtyvans

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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #36 on: January 25, 2008, 10:53 PM »
I was mainly a racer from 1984-1991, absolutely loved it, seshing all the doubles and jumps on tracks all the country and racing!
racing really died, all the clubs started closing down and i went to uni so stopped.

I also had a freestlye bike and used to spend weekends not racing at southsea skatepark.

I kept my Whitehawk race bike and still have it and used it though the 90's as transport and the odd visit to a track, all i changed was the tyres and grips, i still enjoyed pulling tables jumping of curbs and pulling power wheelies  :)

I didnt have anyone to ride with so didnt really ride that much. I started collecting oldskool bikes in about 2002 and soon had a Ripper, TA and green streetbeat -  that i learnt manuals on after seeing some kid do one, i thought manuals looked cool on a bike with tuffs!

I met up with Rombloke, neil, rich waxin, bob acid and billy and  a few others at Rom in summer 2004 i think - from a link on Vintage bmx and this got me back into skatepark riding  :daumenhoch: thankyou  :) . I remeber being really nervous on the way up there, as i'd never met any of them, all i had in common with them was the white PK Ripper i took with me! of course they were a top lot and i was happy to have made some internet bmx friends  8)

keyhole kid

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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #37 on: January 25, 2008, 10:57 PM »
shoulders bill... i think they said its my rotator cuffs would that be right.?....... im in pain most nights maybe another 19 year break will help....

Thats because your working 24/7 Mark, ease off the work and ride more  :daumenhoch:

thats exactly what carlo said bill
« Last Edit: January 25, 2008, 10:59 PM by billstup »

Offline billstup

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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #38 on: January 25, 2008, 11:01 PM »
shoulders bill... i think they said its my rotator cuffs would that be right.?....... im in pain most nights maybe another 19 year break will help....

Thats because your working 24/7 Mark, ease off the work and ride more  :daumenhoch:

thats exactly what carlo said bill

Well it must be true then Mark  :daumenhoch:

Have a look in to doing a few stretching, loosening exercises`every day, I do loads and it does help  :daumenhoch:
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Offline Spen69

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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #39 on: January 25, 2008, 11:06 PM »
Superb thread!

Had a Grifter in '81, sold it and bought a second-hand Ammaco 202 in '82. Rode it off every ramp we could build as kids out of everything - bits of plywood, old crates... you name it. My folks bust the bank Xmas '83 and bought me a Mongoose Cali and my brother a Chromo-burner. Rode them like we stole them for a couple of years off everything we could find - "new ramp, where's Spen the test pilot" they used to ask, but Girls got in the way and I sold my 'Goose to pay for my first "lads" holiday. Damn those girls....

My brother never sold his, and it stayed in my dad's shed for nearly 20 years along with my Pro-class wheels. In the mean time, moved to Sheffield, more girls, discovered MTB's and caused more injuries than BMXing. For some reason he built it back up again (to impress a girl no dobt!) and we all remembered how to do the tricks, so he bought me a NOS Ammaco 202 he found in a bikeshop basement in 1999 for my 30th. Been riding ever since, but only just got the nerve to take our collection of old school bikes down to the local bowl - we ride every weekend now.

My old bike shop kept my smashed Tuff 11 as they never had another - man, that reeeeeeeallllly hurt when I did it, but I was a legend in my own mind for doing it.

Keep riding. My wife thinks I'm mad, but she has a 1983 Mongoose Cali, fully restored to ride and loves it when I can get her out on it!

Still limping......

keyhole kid

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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #40 on: January 25, 2008, 11:26 PM »
shoulders bill... i think they said its my rotator cuffs would that be right.?....... im in pain most nights maybe another 19 year break will help....

Thats because your working 24/7 Mark, ease off the work and ride more  :daumenhoch:

i will try bill but sometimes i wake up in the night and it feels like someone has pulled me arm out of its socket  ........  but he ho no pain no gain as they say?

Offline billstup

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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #41 on: January 25, 2008, 11:34 PM »
Thats just Di doing that Mark  :LolLolLolLol:
I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
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 Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!'

Offline TwoBobRob

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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #42 on: January 25, 2008, 11:37 PM »
Mark, no disrespect buddy, but do you ride and slam enough to ruin your shoulders?

It's gotta be something else surely?


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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #43 on: January 26, 2008, 01:50 PM »
started late 81 / early 82 I think, stopped in 90ish, got drunk, sobered up in 96, carried on riding.

Built a skatepark local so I dont have to travel and can nip down when the weathers good (and to put something back into the sport and give the little uns a chance)



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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #44 on: January 26, 2008, 05:25 PM »
Great thread

started bmx in 81ish + kept going till 86 when the demon drink/girls got the better of me then thought it uncool to be seen on a bike  :idiot2: :idiot2: .

I would always  watch anything on the box about bmx but never rode .
I even got myself a 84 haro sport in the late 80s ( My dream bike ) which i lost /misplaced  :uglystupid2:
Then a couple of years ago i came across someone on ebay selling BmxBeat + kellogs dvds i got these just to watch + reminisce about my youth .
then thinking that maybe my old ridding bud might like to watch these i began to try  + pass on some nostalgia from the 80s .This is when i came across Radbmx  :4_17_5:+ found my old mate  was a member here  ( brianp ) i nearly cacked myself to find that he was still involved in the sport .

Now i have a couple of kids + one on the way i have to admit that the spark is back , but am having  same problem as swivel with having the bxxllxks to actually get back on a bike + ride , as the sport has moved on so far ,  that an overwieght , bald bloke doing bunny hops doesnt exactly seem cool !! 



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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #45 on: January 26, 2008, 07:27 PM »
I quit riding in 1994,  i had a pretty bad crash a couple of years before then at the Goshen halfpipe, Bury. (slammed a 540 straight to my face!) after that i couldnt ride properly, couldnt air, lost all confidence.. MAJOR pop-out-itis!! I then made the decision to quit!

Worst decision i've ever made! EVER!! hated not riding and i hadnt rode for 12 years!! but with the X-Games and Gravity games on tv, i was itching to ride again. So i finally got off my arse and got my new bike together (Hoffman condor), and met a couple of old mates i used to ride with, who, them selves are riding again

I've been riding now for nearly two years, to ride again was the BEST decision i ever made!!!

Rampworx... 2007.


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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #46 on: January 26, 2008, 07:47 PM »
Super intersting read this thread.

Personally I have had quits but a few breaks. In between though I was road or moutain bike racing. My last return was when i discovered again riding a bmx track was great training for downhill racing.

I think I finally thought I was out of it five years ago. Up till then I had all my old bikes stored so thought i could come back. They got sold off for silly money though without me knowing :knuppel2: I didnt get a replacement and when I started getting into rc car racing I "forgot" about 20"

After discovering this place and Os BmX I want back in..........Walking round the park and in the local deserted skate park today didnt help!!!

keyhole kid

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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #47 on: January 26, 2008, 08:59 PM »
Mark, no disrespect buddy, but do you ride and slam enough to ruin your shoulders?

It's gotta be something else surely?

came off in june of last year at rom.....air to flat bottom on the front wheel.hurt me shoulders through the impact but thought nothing of it, time normally heals most slams! but for this one which is not the worse ive had i am having the most grief.......its now 7 months on and my left shoulder still hurts a lot,admittedly not every day but enough to drive you insane if you know what i mean. ive been to the docs and hes adamant ive torn my shoulder cuffs ! which is fine but why has it not healed by now!!! ive now rode twice since june and been in agony the day after, any help i would be grateful for !!!!!!!
« Last Edit: January 26, 2008, 11:27 PM by billstup »

Offline TwoBobRob

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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #48 on: January 26, 2008, 09:19 PM »
I didn't know that, sorry to hear it bud.

Find yourself a sports physiotherapist.  I know a good one in Chertsey, but I'm guessing that's too long a journey for you.  Not any old physio, but a sports one. They'll be interested in your sport and will help you for sure. Even if its only to tell you precisely whats wrong and what you can do about it.

Well worth the money.  (not cheap unfortunately....)   :)

Don't leave it for too long mate, scar tissue is harder to deal with than the original injury quite often   ;)


keyhole kid

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Re: Have you ever quit riding?
« Reply #49 on: January 26, 2008, 09:24 PM »
i,ll give it a go thanks....

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