hi people . got hold of a bike now . nothing special . but its a start and im going to buy the b its i want for it and go from there.
what i dont get is the seatpost meaasurement s. ive seen some for sale which are 22.2 mm i think . and now ive just seen some that are 25.4 mm i think . is one size for newer bikes and one for ??
same as for the pedals . ive seen ones that are 9/16 and some that are 1/2 ?? i guess its the thread . but again how do i know what ive got ??
i should know wou
the biggest problem is ive found a seatpost that is 22.2 on ebay . it ends 2moro but my bike wont be with me till next week .
its a old townsend . i know its nothing special but im skint and i wanted an old frame . its going to be painted white . its got white mags and ive got some fresh white tyres lined up for it . then i want green bits on it like the pedals etc .
i want to get a layback post for it but i dont want to start spending money on things that dont fit

any help or ideas or things i should now would be good . my mates just told me that some bikes have 10mm axels and some have 14mm ??
dont think i know anything at the moment ha ha ha