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RADBMX.CO.UK  |  BMX General  |  BMX Chat  |  quick question ? different sizes seeatposts/pedals ?? what else should i know

Author Topic: quick question ? different sizes seeatposts/pedals ?? what else should i know  (Read 393 times)

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hi people . got hold of a bike now . nothing special . but its a start and im going to buy the b its i want for it and go from there.

what i dont get is the seatpost meaasurement s. ive seen some for sale which are 22.2 mm i think . and now ive just seen some that are 25.4 mm i think . is one size for newer bikes and one for ??

same as for the pedals . ive seen ones that are 9/16 and some that are 1/2 ?? i guess its the thread . but again how do i know what ive got ??
 i should know wou
the biggest problem is ive found a seatpost that is 22.2 on ebay . it ends 2moro but my bike wont be with me till next week .

its a old townsend . i know its nothing special but im skint and i wanted an old frame . its going to be painted white . its got white mags and ive got some fresh white tyres lined up for it . then i want green bits on it like the pedals etc .

i want to get a layback post for it but i dont want to start spending money on things that dont fit  :P

any help or ideas or things i should now would be good . my mates just told me that some bikes have 10mm axels and some have 14mm ??

dont think i know anything at the moment ha ha ha

Offline kuwahero

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most old school seatposts are 22.2mm the bigger sizes you find on newer bikes. bear in mind there are exceptions to this rule though with certain brands. you should be fine with a 22.2mm for that frame

pedals re a bit easier and your right its down to thread size really. 1/2" are used for one piece cranks and 9/16" are for three piece cranks.

also old school bike wheels have 10mm axles


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right now im being thick bu what is the crank . the big cog ?? and how do i tell if its one or three piece??

also ive been told my the bloke in the sale section who is selling the redline seat posts that his are 25.4 but he says this is standard for old skool bikes ????

i really havent got a clue with theses bikes lol . thought they were all just bikes which all pieces fit ha ha ha . knew it wouldnt be this simple lol

Offline kuwahero

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 :LolLolLolLol: the crank is the bit the pedals attach to.

One piece

Three piece

best way to be sure of the seatpost size is to get a ruler and measure across the centre of the seat tube. if it measures around 22mm then you need a 22.2mm. if it measures around 25mm then its 25.4mm. but 22.2 is pretty standard.

good luck :daumenhoch:


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cheers mate . i think as soon as my bike turns up i will understand a bit more .

RADBMX.CO.UK  |  BMX General  |  BMX Chat  |  quick question ? different sizes seeatposts/pedals ?? what else should i know

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