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Author Topic: What do you Ride? Old Verse New School?  (Read 1384 times)

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What do you Ride? Old Verse New School?
« on: January 22, 2008, 12:23 AM »
Can I ask a question, what do people generally ride at RAD events Old or new school bikes??? 

I've two old school bikes, a GT Nora Cup (which I just started to race in the old school series, but think it may be too small for me) and a Quad (which I look at a lot and just smile). 

Now I'm older , I'm not sure about an old school bike abilities to carry the best part of 14 stone about without breaking stuff constantly and also having to replace parts that are becoming more expensive as more people are collecting all the time and there is a fairly static supply (basic Economics tell me what will happen to prices in the long run).

I'd like to start going back to the ROM again (not been for at least 20 years, I'm 32), I'm think of getting a new school bike (a Ripper) which I'd use as general bike i.e. I could race it in the over 30's and also use it for going over trails, I'd also love come to events like Skaterham.

Although I've not ridden a new schooler, it would be nice to get something with a 21 top tube (I'm 6'2), plus have 20 plus year of better technology built into your bike, basically ride something that I wouldn’t feel like I was damaging a part of history if I f#cked it.

I think I've just given some really good reasons for buying another bike (although not sure if my girlfriend would agree, she says that they are taking up to much room, I live in a flat in London, I think it's probably just jealousy and she’ll be a happy as me if I get another  bike    :2funny: )

Anyway back to question (before listing all the reason why I should get a new bike)   what do people ride at these events???????
« Last Edit: January 22, 2008, 01:00 AM by tommyshearing »

Offline Bob_Acid

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Re: What do you Ride?
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2008, 12:39 AM »
Tommy, i moved this out of the Skaterham thread as didn't think it had any bearing in there. Hope that's ok.

To answer your question. Get yourself a new bike they are so much more stable to ride, your skills will improve straight away  :daumenhoch:


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Re: What do you Ride? Old Verse New School?
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2008, 01:02 AM »
No worries Bob, I'd like to hear what people think of the difference between riding old and new.


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Re: What do you Ride? Old Verse New School?
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2008, 01:12 AM »
i speak for myself on this but i have restored a few old school bikes and becuase of the time and effort put in i dont fancy riding them,

i also heard that compared to new school they flex awfull when riding :-\

and now i ride a modern bmx the old ones seem all the more awfull :LolLolLolLol:

get a new school and get riding, the mirraco blend looks a good start ;)


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Re: What do you Ride? Old Verse New School?
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2008, 06:28 AM »
well, I'd never ridden parks until the novice night in October.

Turned up on me cheaply built streetbeat, mag wheels and only 40 psi in me tyres.

carved the vert ramp a little bit on it, tried popping out of the mini...cheers again to twobobrob for grabbing me and stopping me falling back in, then had a go on Meddles new school ride ont he vert ramp, just carving, but the difference is so huge.

so new school for playing old school for posing.   :LolLolLolLol:

i have a Mirraco but not a blend, it's the low end black pearl 1 but it suits me just fine, for now.

KGB Matt

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Re: What do you Ride? Old Verse New School?
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2008, 06:49 AM »
Old school all the way baby.

You have seen mine at Braintree ( Chrome powerlite.) I know what you are saying about breaking and replacing things but you have to do what you feel comfortable with.

I know i will never be fast enough to compete with the big guns so ride OS and have a laugh.

Oh If mine can stand 18 stone without breaking im sure a GT can handle 14 stone.



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Re: What do you Ride? Old Verse New School?
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2008, 08:07 AM »
 :) New school all the way.They just feel so much more solid and and responsive compared to OS bikes.However ,OS bikes have so much more character than new school bikes.Does that make sense?

Offline pickle

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Re: What do you Ride? Old Verse New School?
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2008, 08:13 AM »
Speaking for myself, Has to be New School every time!  when i forst started getting back into BMX i too built up a Street beet and swore blind i wouldn't go New school.......but after having a go on Meddles bike (he's got a lot to answer for!!)   ;)  i just had to get a new school ride!  also if you break bits on a new school, it doesn't have to cost the earth to replace the bits!

although i too have an old school GT that i'm getting ready to race on as well, so for racing keep it old, for parks it's gotta be new!


Offline RATTY

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Re: What do you Ride? Old Verse New School?
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2008, 08:22 AM »
Hi Tommy, Having just got a new school and dabbled a couple of times last year, I have to say that the new stuff feels very stable and smooth and others have said it will improve your skills. But dont write old stuff off, I hear what you say about the OS parts but I raced for 3 seasons back in the 80s and was constantly breaking and wearing stuff out. I have now raced for over a year and a half this time round, and I can honestly say I still have the same tyres on from when I started, I have broken an MX1000, bent some spokes, broke a flite crank bent a chainwheel and seatpost, oh and some forks. But nothing like what I used to go through, all on an average weight of 18 stone.
The point Im trying to make is, yes you will use parts up, but not anything to really worry about. I try not to use show standard parts on my race bike, instead I look through here for used parts which are usually a lot cheaper.
If your riding park, then deffo go for new school, old school really sucks in a park :daumenhoch:
A long time ago, in a land far away!


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Re: What do you Ride? Old Verse New School?
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2008, 08:38 AM »
I can only speak for the racing side of things, but if you've not ridden for a while and want to get back into racing, get an old school bike and do some old school races.  Great fun and very laid back.

Then once you get more confident and want to take racing to the next level, get a new school bike and do some club races and regionals on that.  New school bikes are much more sorted and nicer to ride and will also aid progression.

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Re: What do you Ride? Old Verse New School?
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2008, 10:52 AM »
I would like to have a go for a laugh & will use my OS GT. If you want to get serious then it stands to reason that the new stuff has got to be better, progression & all that.

Understand what you mean about parts though, but it is what they were made for. When Im to old to throw a leg over it it will get resto'd, but at the moment Im just enjoying riding it after 22 years  8)

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Re: What do you Ride? Old Verse New School?
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2008, 01:28 PM »
got to go old school legal for me for racing but in a mid school styley, strong n long, proper old school bikes are just that bit twitchy on the track and the longer TTs of the mid school stuff fits better but one with comfortable geometry after riding old school can be tuff so, if poss, try before you buy. love haro sports for general fookin about on they feel perfect when set up right but i get the most enjoyment outa ridin old bikes, thats the whole point for me. if ya wanna get back into riding hard tho i guess new school is the way to go, personally id look for a querky older new school just to rebel a bit, buy what makes ya happy dude

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Re: What do you Ride? Old Verse New School?
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2008, 02:05 PM »
Buy whatever you fancy right now, but don't be surprised if you end up making some changes as the year goes on. Assuming you're loving it of course  :)

But, if you want to ride a lot of ramps and skateparks then I would suggest listening to the others on here and getting a newschool bike (not a Ripper) and getting stuck in straightaway on that.  Especially if you consider yourself to be an agressive rider   ;)

Plenty of good complete bikes around now for decent money   :daumenhoch:

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Re: What do you Ride? Old Verse New School?
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2008, 07:19 PM »
I would agree that new school is probably the best bet for riding ramps/skateparks (shock/horror Aerostylie likin new school!!), having seen a lot of novice riders on here progress in leaps and bounds (also having the balls to do stuff helps as well).

When I started going to these meets, I was quite surprised how many Rad members don't actually ride old school for freestyle, I was expecting everyone to be on skyways doin all the old tricks but times have moved on. Me, well BMX was 82-87 for me and I'm still stuck there...I still ride/wobble on those flexible skyways, whitewalls and shaky old frames 8)

Try both, you'll certainly tell the difference.

Paul  :)

Vans Style


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Re: What do you Ride? Old Verse New School?
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2008, 07:39 PM »
and Paul is going to roll his old school GT in on the mini ramp at the next novice night.  :daumenhoch:

Offline aerostylie

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Re: What do you Ride? Old Verse New School?
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2008, 08:16 PM »
and Paul is going to roll his old school GT in on the mini ramp at the next novice night.  :daumenhoch:


Joe you're definitley persistant mate, but to be honest I don't think I'll ever drop in, as easy as peeps make it look, I've tried once and that was enough for me, the kegs, the mindset, so just keepin it to the flat. Now if there was a foampit to drop into, that would be different...yeah I know, what a pussy :crazy2:

Roll backs 4eva :smitten:
Vans Style


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Re: What do you Ride? Old Verse New School?
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2008, 01:51 AM »
Hi all thanks for the response, I'm loving coming back to racing and the old school series it's great on the bikes and people front and so definiately not thinking of stopping that.

 I had a Robinson back in the day, but got the front forks drilled to fit a front brake, so I could use it daily and used to take that over skateparks etc just mess about with mates which I guess we all did and suppose I'd like something similar.

I want to get a new bike for messing about on, at skateparks and for riding  trails also which I said I'd help some people from a thread on here .

I'll Keep the old school bike for the OSS Racing series and for joy in owning piece of history.

And get a new schooler for freestyle (with an old school twist hence the new ripper)

I guess I probably just want an excuse to spend more on bmx   :smitten: :smitten: :idiot2: :idiot2: :2funny: :2funny:

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Re: What do you Ride? Old Verse New School?
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2008, 12:50 PM »
sorry mate but those new Rippers are not for freestyle!  it'll snap in two!


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Re: What do you Ride? Old Verse New School?
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2008, 03:43 PM »
Thanks for the Ripper advice, also remember Ratty posting a pic of a Ripper frame in two pieces.  I think I'll see whatcomes up in for sale secion. on here.

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Re: What do you Ride? Old Verse New School?
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2008, 06:15 PM »
 tommy get your self a dialled mx 20  you can use it to race ride dirt or ramp just a good all round  bike

this is mine  :smitten:
Gtbill for all your watch and Jewellery needs


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Re: What do you Ride? Old Verse New School?
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2008, 11:31 PM »
First Rad meet I rocked up to I was on my TRM..... apparently there where gasps as I attempted to ride in and out of the mini and carved on the vert.  Somet to do with rarity and having original forks and them being made of hot chocolate.

Two bob amongst others explained the virtues of New school...

I wasn;t keen as I love my TRM.. but next meet I had a 2004 Haro "Dave Mirra special" Flight and havent looked back.

TRM ( Old skool ) for show.
Haro ( New skool ) for GO!!!

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