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Author Topic: WARNING.....For all the people I've ever told NOT to stick their leg out.......  (Read 3076 times)

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Offline TwoBobRob

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Check this out.

It's not pleasant viewing if you're squeamish. You have been warned.   If you're not squeamish, Cool!! 


Offline billstup

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Bet that fooking stung a bit  :crazy2:
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fook me!!!!! thats gotta of hurt :2gunsfiring_v1: :2gunsfiring_v1: :shocked:


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There's no smilie for what I want to say!  :shocked:


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point taken



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in fact 3 comment down on youtube sums it up nicely.....

yeahhhhhh k makina fractura d tibia k heavyy!!!



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i always stuck a leg out if i over spun shite, whoa poor dude, took it like a champ ... respect


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I watched enough to get the idea, heavy on the pause button.

Ive seen enuff, no need to watch it right through thanks.


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Offline TwoBobRob

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I watched enough to get the idea, heavy on the pause button.

Ive seen enuff, no need to watch it right through thanks.

Fair enough   :daumenhoch:

It does seem to be a proper epidemice these days though.  All I ever seem to see is youngsters footslapping their way through the day.  I fully understand that sometimes there is no choice.  But it shouldn't become habitual like I've seen lately.

Wheels down first.  Then go down with the ship. No sticky leggy outty......  ;)


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I watched enough to get the idea, heavy on the pause button.

Ive seen enuff, no need to watch it right through thanks.

Fair enough   :daumenhoch:

It does seem to be a proper epidemice these days though.  All I ever seem to see is youngsters footslapping their way through the day.  I fully understand that sometimes there is no choice.  But it shouldn't become habitual like I've seen lately.

Wheels down first.  Then go down with the ship. No sticky leggy outty......  ;)

Modern riders Bobbo! These kids are tailwhipping before they've even mastered basic bike control.

Offline TwoBobRob

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For a laugh,  I sometimes ask the younguns to do a backhop.  Just the one, on the ground.  They have no clue of course.  Kinda tickles me.

Mind you, why the fcuk would they ever want to do a backhop these days???   :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[


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Well with a seat as low as they are now-a-days, your feed are bound to be on the ground alot of the time.

Someone once said to me, if you feel thing going wrong in the air let the bike take the impact first and then workout how to get off it.

Offline TwoBobRob

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Exactly.  Wheels down first.   :)

welsh denny

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i was half expecting a vid with bladers or skaters sitting on the ramp with their legs out in the way and a nasty accident to em.

ouch. a lotta the time i'd let the bike land first then aim to lean slightly and slide it out. with a slam like that you just hold on and hope for the best.

ever seen the roof gap on the blueprint vid from many years ago. its crazy , guy snaps both wrists on a gap which is just CRAZY/STUPID.

Offline TwoBobRob

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I've not seen that, no.  I was talking to my mate Pat  (arma) who told me about this video, about John Peacys slam at an early x games (I think). That was a tib/fib floppyleg job too.

They would be the two gnarliest breaks I've seen like that.  I don't really go searching for em.

If Romblokes slam had been video'd, that would have been some intense viewing.  We basically had to sit and wait for the ambulance while he almost bled to death....

I'm not sure I'd want to watch that again actually.

Anyhoo, lets lighten the mood a bit.  Look at this prick   :D

Could he go any slower??   ;D


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ouch at both vids.

bet that smarted in the morning....


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Didn't think I was squeamish..... Changed my mind.
Made me wanna sell my bike!
That was just f@ckin horrible.
Compound fractures have been my worst fear as far as bike riding goes.
Don't ever want to see that vid again!
Now I have to think nice thoughts before I go to bed so I don't have nightmares......

Offline TwoBobRob

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We like to call them 'open' fractures these days   :D

Your uncle TwoBob did warn you.......  ;D

Watch Welsh Denny's latest vid.  That'll send you off with good thoughts   :daumenhoch:


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Thanks TwoBob......glad to see someones looking out for me....heehee!

Offline tricknuts

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i didn't enjoy that at all..  and i was only watching.

think i'll also sell me bike.  I don't need that crap at my age..
"I've never stopped riding badly....and I never will"

Offline OrgasmDonor

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sweeeeeeeeet :daumenhoch: gotta love a good wipeout

Offline TwoBobRob

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i didn't enjoy that at all..  and i was only watching.

think i'll also sell me bike.  I don't need that crap at my age..

Mate, with all possible due respect......

You are not going to be riding full tilt, bunnyhopping a handrail and landing on some flexible, sketchy corrugated iron fence and wallriding it.

Keep your bike buddy    :daumenhoch:


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Good advice but easier said than done , i stuck my leg out and had a year off work to think about why i stuck my leg out.

welsh denny

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this one is harsh. seen it ages ago but still sends shivers down my spine. youtube will ask for age verification on this one. for once i won't say enjoy. ouch.

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