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Author Topic: No resolutions, things you would like to do this year??? UPDATED  (Read 1733 times)

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Offline Gary72

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Dont have any resoloutions, but do have some goals for this year

Do a 2 foot air on a quarter and air the performance at rOm
Go over a Spine, looking forward to Skaterham on the 19th.
Peg stall anything

Some not so obtainable, Jump a car, anyone got a Suzuki Cappacino I can borrow
And jump over some water like a stream, Have got a spot in mind in Ilford in Southpark; Not a big jump only about 6-8 feet but something I always wanted to do :uglystupid2: :idiot2:

What goals have you set yourself for this year???

« Last Edit: June 01, 2008, 08:32 PM by Gary72 »

Offline lazychubs

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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2008, 10:12 PM »
peg into vert
peg onto performance bowl as can peg into it
air the performance no chance to scary
air a few feet out of any ramp
tyre tap somit bigger than 5 foot
oh tail whips of barspins lol
and shag more as now a jaffa  :daumenhoch:

welsh denny

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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2008, 10:18 PM »
MY GOAL- TRIPLE decade. been trying to get this on /off for over 11 years now.  doubles do quite often. triple very rare to get the bike still in correct position (without front end dropping down) after the second decade. have got on the frame numerous times over the years but never managed to pedal away. wanted to pull it before my 30th birthday but tore the acl/ fractured tibia on a 360 whip attempt a few months prior. 37 in october so hope to have it before then. (mind you ain't rode since nov and bike in bits at mo. this will be a challenge and i'll have to get it on video and post up if i do it.

Offline billstup

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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2008, 10:20 PM »
Just to ride more really, then the other tricks will come hopefully, and to qualify for the final of the 40+ cruisers at the Brits would be a dream  :daumenhoch:
I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
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 Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
 Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!'

Offline Bob_Acid

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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2008, 03:54 AM »
to start thinking positive for a change


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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2008, 07:34 AM »
BMX goals:

any air on a mini ramp, one inch will do, two would be better.
love to go over a spine, but think that's a big ask.
ride more.


Enjoy my week away and improve. (last year was my first time and didn't have a good time)


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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2008, 08:39 AM »
Ride/race as much as possible.  Jump stuff in races.  And try to get a top 5 regional ranking in 40+ and make some A or B finals at nationals in 40+.


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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2008, 09:04 AM »
 :) Mine would be to get well,get my shoulder fixed and buy/build race an OS bike asap! And also to get Heywood track back holding races....


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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2008, 09:06 AM »
Ride/race as much as possible.  Jump stuff in races.  And try to get a top 5 regional ranking in 40+ and make some A or B finals at nationals in 40+.

Nice one Mike! I too have simple and realistic goals too, I'd like to just get to a couple of we get older and have families, allocating time seems very difficult......

Mike, what region are you racing mate?

Offline Jt

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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2008, 09:09 AM »
ride my bikes....

thats it!


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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2008, 09:22 AM »
Ride/race as much as possible.  Jump stuff in races.  And try to get a top 5 regional ranking in 40+ and make some A or B finals at nationals in 40+.

Nice one Mike! I too have simple and realistic goals too, I'd like to just get to a couple of we get older and have families, allocating time seems very difficult......

Mike, what region are you racing mate?

I'll be doing as many South regionals as possible, and will probably try to do the minimum 7 nationals I need to get a ranking.  I've only ever done the odd national, never enough to get a national ranking, so I might as well try to get one this year.

I'm looking forward to racing 40+ this year as I think we'll have a deep class with all the people coming back such as Spillers, Billy Stupple, 796, Darren Vickers, etc and others (and it'll be good to race people my own age).

I guess you're in between regions in Dorset (South West and South).  30-39 Cruiser has been a lot of fun over the last 2 seasons, even though I finished near the back/bottom of the rankings every year  :-[


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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2008, 01:45 PM »
Freetime wise:

Start getting more serious with my guitar (not sexually!)
Get a few os races in.
oh and get my f****g db turbo finished.


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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2008, 05:10 PM »
don't think i'll be able to do that many races Mike, everyones getting married this year, me, tommy lynch, kieth duly so we're maybe all planning a joint stag do to the 30th BMX anniversary at Ponypark Slagharen.  There aint many weekends free for me.....


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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2008, 05:42 PM »
I'm with mike on this one  :daumenhoch: gonna try and do my first full season in 23 years,never raced nationals in the 80's but did a lot of south regionals especially 85-86 :daumenhoch: doing the 40+at nationals will be my first time.

Gossa one of the first  regionals i did was at harvington and i know you was a harvington man  :daumenhoch: UKBMX region L 7th july 1985.

You won the 15 year olds final from richard stone(harry o rider i think)and mat miller  :4_17_5:
16 year olds winner alex hennessy(who i ended up race a lot,big f**ker)then good old delbert husband and 3rd darren boughton who i've had the pleasure of racing again in 2006 old skool series  :daumenhoch:

17+ john stockwell(still fast and the b*ll*x)kevin gogin(what happened to kev?)tony williams(another regular south rider)

Sorry for going on a bit  :-X getting all nostalgic  ::)might as well carry on  :coolsmiley:

14 year olds wayne Llewellyn then lee gregory then darren brayshaw

13 year olds scott gilchrist(hung around with him a lot at harvington)kerrin walklin(seen him recently)nick kemp.

12 year olds paul wood then danny edwards then matt phillips

11 year olds jo eastwood(fast little man) jamie staff and rodney craig.

i'll stop now  :-X remember those racers clive?

Oh forgot myself and pro-tec raced in the novices(we had no licence) 16 year olds i won every moto pro-tec 2nd then he f**kin just beat me in the final but nearly got disqualified for doing a table top over the water jump and clipping my arm(think it was jo and kerrin walklins mum or maybe your mum clive who told pro-tec off  ;D


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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2008, 10:47 PM »
classic stuff spillers mate, oh yes i remember them all, especially Dan Edwardes as he is my cousin!

kerrins a dude, were did you see him?  Remember his bro Jo? Scott Gilchrist used to race for my other cousins bike shop,  Pollards Hill Cycles.

Great times, glad i won that one, Spud Stone and matt Miller were bloody quick!


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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #15 on: January 11, 2008, 10:55 PM »
 1) Mostly just want to ride my bike  :smitten:
But : pegrind a mini ramp
Find the balls to air something
Go over a spine a bit bigger than the one I use at Oxford.
Sounds daft but be able bunnyhop
Learn to manual without falling off the back too much (a real phobia of mine)

Offline TwoBobRob

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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2008, 05:07 PM »
They're all very achievable for you Fuzzy.

What size is the Oxford spine?  Steep?  If you can get yourself over the new Creation spine, or the charlton volcano thats a good step.

Out of your list, I'd say that manuals and bunnyhops are going to take the bulk of your time.

I'd say that one good session on a decent miniramp would have you grinding  (with the right guidance), and one good session at Rom we'd have you airing a hip somewhere.  Airing undervert stuff like miniramps is very closely connected with bunnyhops, so best stick to first things first on that one   ;)

Might be able to kill two birds with one stone at Rom.  Air some concrete hips then go grinding the indoor miniramp. That's a nice, big, fast ramp. Grind there and you'll grind anywhere   :)


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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2008, 06:12 PM »
This year I really want to step up my game in racing and start wining some A finals.

I would like to finish in the top three of the old school winter series, but I think that could be a tough call as I have missed one round and everyone's getting quicker.

I would also like to try and move up a level and either race new school cruiser or 20" in 30-39 at regional level, and maybe race at one or two rounds of the nationals (probably get my arsed kicked)

Finally I want to finish building my 4x bike and have a go at 4x racing at chicksands. 

I am loving riding at the moment and want to be out on my bike as much as possible.  If I can achieve one or two of these I will be happy

Offline harris

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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2008, 06:33 PM »
i have set a few goals on the riding side of things .
but its all about just getting out to ride the rest will happen naturally.
at the moment im kinda finding how far i can push my joints so holding back about 70%.
as ive only ridden 2 times at corby i must step it up alot everytime i get to go.
i did notice that my eye hasnt been much of a problem as it was last year,so thats one less prob.


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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2008, 06:59 PM »
I would like to hit 8' airs this year and get back my variations to about 6'.  I would also like to learn how to ride the big vert ramps and have my wheels land on vert.

Offline TwoBobRob

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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2008, 07:17 PM »
That's a big one right there.  Actually landing on the vert area of the ramp.  That's where all my work needs to be when I ride vert.


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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #21 on: January 14, 2008, 01:26 PM »

Finally I want to finish building my 4x bike and have a go at 4x racing at chicksands. 

Lee, there's always load of BMX'ers there recently (especially the Braintree lads - Stu Dixon, Brad Watts, Moose & his Dad, James Goodwin, Matt Kirk, etc) and it's a good place to get jumping confidence back.

Let me know when you're thinking of going and I'll meet you up there if I'm free.


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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #22 on: January 14, 2008, 02:06 PM »
Really sad , but number one this year is to ride both bmx and mtb bikes more !!!!

Scoot  :daumenhoch:


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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #23 on: January 14, 2008, 04:48 PM »
mine is simple

regain the OSWS #1


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Re: No resoloutins, things you would like to do this year???
« Reply #24 on: January 14, 2008, 05:54 PM »
mine is simple

regain the OSWS #1

Now Ratty is out for the rest of the series there is going to be some tough competition for that Steve

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