Hey Guys n Gals I'm new here obviously lol. I've got an MRD Badlander hanging in the shed I've had it since I was 7, I'm 18 now n I'm sick of it looking so forlorn so I'm gunna restore it while I've got a bit of spare time lol. Few questions though. I'm pretty sure the forks I have are GT forks and not proper MRD ones. Is there many of these floating around?and how much are they? The bike currently has a pair of black Skyway 6 spokes. I see a lot of 5 spoke tuff wheels but no 6 spoke ones is there any particular reason for this? The bike is currently black but I'm unsure if it was that colour from the start does anyone know what the original colours were? And lastly how many of these bikes are there? I've always bin told its a pretty rare bike but I just don't know how rare

Ill post some pics up when I get the time
