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two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« on: November 18, 2007, 08:43 AM »
as it approachs my birthday (15th Dec)  I can remember two things about bmx that I didnt stop telling my dad as my 10th birthday got nearer in a bid to get him to buy me my first bmx in 1980

1, "these bmx bikes dont break when you jump on em dad, They have straight forks and they use special metal which dont bend or break, in america they proved it by chucking them off buildings" (when I snapped my 2nd bike, my silverfox he reminded me of that statment  ;D )

2, "Dad you can do bunnyhops on these bilkes, so I wont have to bump up the kerbs anymore!! (buckled back wheel on me racer  ;) ) you can jump dad with out a ramp!! really dad no ramp you just jump"

of all the things I got as a kid the bmx is the only one that sticks out in my mind  with in any real detail,,  I ended up with a chrome mongoose with black mags it was, as any who is born in december or january will tell you a "joint christmas and birthday present  ??? " ) but that didnt really matter as once i got it! it was the only thing I played on.

when did you get your first bike, what if any thing can you remember about it, and what was it?


Offline RATTY

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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2007, 08:48 AM »
I had a mongoose 2 with blue tuffs for my first bike, I had saved so hard to get it, I even sold my BSA Bantam to help the fundage, in the end my Grandad chipped in to buy it. Thanks!  :daumenhoch:
A long time ago, in a land far away!

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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2007, 08:58 AM »
mine was a Burner GS from Freemans mum and dad didn't have a pot to p*ss in and normally my brother an i got a joint big pressie between us, my friends all had Tuff burners and i longed for a BMX.....i did all the usual "i'll get a paper round and pay fot it myself" and i looked at the pictures in the catalogue every day leading up to christmas!
Christmas day came round and we opened our pressies.........felt tips, airfix model and some other bits and bobs....but no BMX!!  well the day went on and my dad was cooking the christmas dinner....he asked me to pop over our neighbours house as he'd ran out of potatoes......after much moaning i walked over and in there garden was a huge box all wrapped up with my name on it!!

i went to rush back home with it but as i turned round my mum and dad were stood behind me with smiles all the way across their faces.

it's a picture i will never forget!

I had the Burner for years, it changed from blue Z's to Blue tuffs but it was the only bike i ever had BITD and i loved it!! 

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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2007, 09:04 AM »
A Puch Invader with ogk mags. I remember riding Harrow on Christmas day with it and bending the crank so it hit the frame and ended up wearing a chunk out of it.
Be no more Christmas day harrow seshs if the council tossers get their way!
I gave the mags away in the end, wish id kept them.

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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2007, 11:28 AM »
my first bike was a peugeot from watson & cairns in leeds,i remember walking round the shop in awe at all the bmx's.

the first bmx i every saw belonged to my mate,he pulled up outside my house on a puch murry,WOW i'm getting one of those i thought.



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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2007, 12:39 PM »
i got given a schwinn stingray(didnt know what it was at the time!) by my cousin as he,d just got a mongoose for his birthday
but like others i bought a red burner off the freemans catalogue and within a week pretzalled the back wheel :LolLolLolLol:
my dad bought a pair of anodised blue rimmed wheels from halfords which i had on there 2 weeks and swapped them for gold arayas off an ultra burner,then i swapped them for blue z rims which again i pretzelled by showing how they spring back into shape by jumping on the chainstay!(after the tenth showing they didnt spring back!)
then had the z,s rebuilt and swapped them for yellow skyways................result!
i loved that burner!!!
then swapped it a few years later for a 10 speed raleigh olympus racer which i put "cowhorns" on it and wrecked by jumping off kerbs!!! :Aresehole:

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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2007, 12:41 PM »
mine would be me grifter that my nan bought me
but the chain fell of due to the snap clip not bieng there
had to wait for the shop to open to fix it lol

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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2007, 12:58 PM »
puch murray 340 with lester mags was my first bmx(come on jazzchimp put the pics of your one up), but not my first bike.

my first proper bike of my own was a raliegh budgie....

haro, how do you do


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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2007, 10:10 PM »
Snap Rom bloke, my first BMX was a 340, blue and yellow with Lesters.  Got it for my 12th birthday, July 21st 1981. I remember everything about it, the coaster brake, single bolt gooseneck, the seem welded tubing, the gummys, the square bars, the vinyl snappered pads and vinyl saddle....

My mate could only afford a 310, orange and black with steel rims, god it was a dog......

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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2007, 10:18 PM »
my first bmx was a wilson. I didnt know i was getting it as me and my brother wanted a snooker table  and we opened that first as a joint pressie. my dad got me the bike as he knew steve wilson who made them, glad he got it for me  :daumenhoch:

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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2007, 11:01 PM »
Got my first bmx in Oct 79, it was a Mongoose wire wheel with a coaster brake and gooseneck stem which came straight out of the window of Holdsworth Bikes in Welling  :daumenhoch:

I saved up a lot of the money myself from a Saturday job in a local butchers and my Mum put the rest in for my birthday, it was £70 in total, and I remember speeding down the pavement straight from from the shop and nearly going over the bars as the coaster kicked in for the 1st time  :crazy2:
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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2007, 11:21 PM »
1st real bike without stabiliser's was a green Strika, had 2 destroyed both, then got a PUCH RAPIER for christmas, remember getting moaned at for swapping the brake cables over and taking the reflectors off before even riding it.
Then spent the rest of the day doing endo's against the front wall and trying to roll back, I m suprised the wall never fell down over the years of use. Next was my TORKER MAGNUM 200, used and abused without complaint till some
thieving scumbag took it. Was older by then and group of friends were not into bmx so got a racer :-[
All my bikes came from MIKE VICKERS in Barking, used to have an account for tyres and bits, would go in get a new tyre every couple of weeks after the long skid and snake skid comps, and my MUM would go and pay in the next couple of days. :daumenhoch:


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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2007, 08:55 PM »
I had a red and yellow burner in july 81 and my mum insisted that i had to have the seat post up so that my toes just hit the ground.As soon as i got to my mates house we lowered it to a more sensible height ;) What do parents know anyway :idiot2:


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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2007, 08:58 PM »
got my first bmx in 82 which was a bh california star from halfords , as samways had sold out of diamond backs :(,my bro had a puch invader ,which he snapped the frame after riding down the slide and bunnyhopping off the end  :2funny: so i got some ogks for free . but we had to wait a year as we lived in saudia at the time and i had a mtb and as i remeber every kid had a goose, quad , hutch ,redline and one guy called john used to let me ride his white skyway on the quaterpipe :daumenhoch:also used to mke pitbikes out of schwinns to pool jump . the good old days ,where there was quarterpipes and most blocks and storm drains to jump out over the armco . but in england we had to make do with bricks and planks and even help build alvaston bmx track with the council as everyone pitched in  :smitten: its a good tale to tale the kids at the track when i go down there with my kids


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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #14 on: November 19, 2007, 10:24 PM »
Great thread!

My 1st bike was bought for Christmas 1980 I think. It was a Peugeot Black lion, I wanted a Mongoose but my parents just didn't have anything like the money.

I even remember picking it out before Christmas; I was looking for the best spec bike that my mum could afford, even then she had to get it on HP. (I clearly remember her in Mike Vickers signing the credit form asking me if I'm really sure it's the bike for me.)

I loved that bike! Had gold Araya's, fully chromo frame with Tange forks, and loads of top quality parts.

Thanks Mum n Dad

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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #15 on: November 19, 2007, 10:27 PM »
i got a red and yellow burner for my birthday and christmas too :-[ stretched from a 9th december birthday before i got it to boot. I loved it, made a ramp and everybody wanted a do on it. After i got that the kid round the corner got a goose and everybody followed suit.
ding dong

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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2007, 10:31 PM »
Tell you what this thread has enlightened me too, and thats how spoilt our kids are today, just like most of what has been said on this thread it shows how little our parents had bitd, and how much we have now, and we`re still moaning  :rant:
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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #17 on: November 19, 2007, 10:34 PM »
My mum and dad had a HUGE DIVORCE TYPE row over whether i got a girly babydoll or BMX for Xmas or B'day, me dad won, Bike for B'day, Ammaco Team Pro (i love my dad) still have it too :shocked:,

Got the doll for Xmas and swapped for a radio wiv me best mate  :LolLolLolLol:

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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #18 on: November 19, 2007, 10:37 PM »
I know all about huge divorce type rows  :(
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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #19 on: November 19, 2007, 10:40 PM »
Team murray 310, midsummer 1981 for my birthday from halfords on a lay away scheme. Thanks mum. :daumenhoch:

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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #20 on: November 20, 2007, 08:14 PM »
My first BMX was this California Star , which i still own  18 years later :shocked:


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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #21 on: November 20, 2007, 08:31 PM »
Same old story no money in house ... wanted a new bike in summer 1980, woolies were selling bmx's about £150, which i woudl have to wait for xmas for, or i could have a folding shopping bike with a coaster brake straight away (£50), wanted a bike desperately, so had the shopping bike, (Cringe).

Two years later got a paper-round got t boned out of a junction by a moped which totalled my bike. Used some saved money to get a tuff burner from Halfords, and had to pay mum back weekly for the rest of it.

Year later went racing and managed to do really well on it, (against Tim March's rants in another thread) but it was just too heavy, so got a Mongoose Cali, and a 2nd paper-round to pay for that!!!

Haven't stopped working my arss off since tha age of 11 1/2 tro pay for nice things in life, oh and 2 divorces !!!! :LolLolLolLol:

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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #22 on: November 20, 2007, 09:45 PM »
I know all about huge divorce type rows  :(

i dont as my dad walked out when i was 1 lol
still dont know his name to this day
hence why my nan and grandad bought me my first bike then me diamond back
when i started senior school

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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #23 on: November 20, 2007, 09:54 PM »
I know all about huge divorce type rows  :(

i dont as my dad walked out when i was 1 lol
still dont know his name to this day
hence why my nan and grandad bought me my first bike then me diamond back
when i started senior school

Rhys have you checked your birth certificate to see if it`s on there, or is it blank ?
I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
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Re: two things that sprung to mind yesterday
« Reply #24 on: November 20, 2007, 10:47 PM »
My first BMX was from woolworths it was a HAWK SCORCHER it was around £89.99 i think.
My old man bought one for me and one for me bro for christmas.He hid them in his bedroom but me and me bro found them and every time my parents went out we used to sneak in there bedroom and get them out  ::) well just sit on them in the bedroom,i remember being in such a state coz i wanted christmas to arrive so i could ride it.....remember it well,i think i was about 38 years old  :coolsmiley: they looked like kuwahara's and had yellow acorn mags on em.

Anyone remember them  :daumenhoch:

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