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thats noticed certain peeps on here get special treatment
How can a site dictate to its members who they should sell too??If a mate wants an item of mine , then hes going to get it , hes a mate ,thats the whole point thats why he is a mate. Dont blame the site for members behaviourif we did that then we can all comment on many , many shady goings on from peole who like to complain about shady dealings[/quoteFair enough, doesnt make it right though. Paul
obviously someone elses MTB for sale thread didn't get picked up on....
theres deffo special treatment going onkinda like the guy who begged for bike parts ends up with a whole bike pretty much for free which then he sold on ebay! Im sure all the people who tried to help the guy out were chuffed about that one. The same guy b1tches on another forum saying how sad we all are on here and what a bunch of d1cks we all are deletes his account are then rejoins later,lol special treatment, to those who dont deserve it yeah maybeAndy
but i don't see how that makes the people who helped him out bad people!?!?
Quotebut i don't see how that makes the people who helped him out bad people!?!? i dont think thats what andy's say there rob .
[My mistake then mate...........I can understand what people are saying..........but i've never felt that i've been guzumpted on sales for the privilaged few?