You will have to spend some decent money to get decent safety gear that will fit you. Don't be surprised if you spend more than the bikes value in safety gear.
661 do some ok gear. Shadow Conspiracy knee gaskets are good kit if you want to wear under your jeans, go for the 'industrial' version. Any glove will do, I personally like Fox or Shift MX gloves.
It does rather depend on what you want. Fashion is minimal kneepads worn under jeans, nowt else. Function is stuff that will allow you keep getting up, over and over again.
My advice would be to get the best quality most protective hardcup kneepads you can afford and wear them over your jeans or with shorts, then learn to kneeslide

The fashion police will be out to get you, but you're more likely to survive the attack

Elbow pads need to be a good size if you plan to actually slam on them, watch out for small tight fitting stuff as it'll pump your arms up, or be uncomfortable as fook, or both...
Fox do some ok kneepads, as do Rector (fatboy), TSG and of course, ProDesign

There used to be a firm called Prolike, they did a good Rector copy. Cheap as chips and good enough to get you started. Don't know if you'll still find them though